Stakeholder Impact Analysis Essay

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3. Stakeholder Impact Analysis

Government Institutions

The Bangladeshi Government has a number of institutions that play specialized roles:

• The Department of Labor (DOL) is a body of the Ministry of Labor and Employment who is responsible for implementation and monitoring all labor and industrial laws.

• The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for regulating both domestic and international trade. They set export and import policies which must fall within the guidelines.

• The Ministry of Industry develop new policies and strategies for promotion, expansion and sustainable development of RMG sector of Bangladesh.

Employers’ Associations

Employers’ organizations are responsible in regulating relations between employers and workers. They work for the rights of the workers and ensure they are treated fairly.

BGMEA is perhaps the most important association in Bangladesh’s garments sector. They have over 5000 garments under their belt. Their primary …show more content…

Trade Unions help to safeguard the interest of the workers by letting know them of their rights, better and safe work environment, fair pay, etc. After the Rana Plaza tragedy Trade Unions have put pressure on the factory owners for more fire drills. So that in time of crisis the workers are better trained and equipped to deal with the situations. Now, fire drill, fire training and other safety measures are taking place almost on a regular basis in the factories where trade unions are active.

However, factories without trade unions are at risk. Their safety measures are either absent or irregular. Trade unions have also been accused by various factory owners for influencing workers to hike wages by calling strikes, creating chaos in the workplaces. Many trade unions are also affiliated with political parties which make relationships complex and politicized.


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