“Without Speer, Hitler would have lacked the power to stage his fight to the finish. Although, his organizational skills was appreciated by many historians but he was critised and charged for his role in forced labor camps, where slave labour of concentration camps were used in weapon manufacturing. However, Speer denied these blames as he was not aware of the source of labour and it was the responsibility of Fritz Sauckel, the man in charge of German labour. The truth behind his involvement cannot be fully interrogated in absence of adequate proves and evidence but his contribution in the improving Germany war efforts cannot be denied which made a remarkable impact on history of all the nations involved in World War
Whilst Speer was hesitant in accepting the role, his eventual approval solidifies that he was predominantly a product of his context rather than his work, with Fest explaining it as “events taking their course.” However, once given unlimited control, Speer, quickly asserted his authority and rose in prominence in the regime; although his earlier actions did not signify a desire to do so, once given the opportunity, Speer transformed into “Hitler’s master builder,” as Paul Davies stated. Therefore, Speer’s impact on history was significantly culminated from the opportunities he was
Star Wars is an epic space opera film series created by George Lucas, which includes galactic battles, theatrical adventure, as well as chivalric romance. The music, mainly composed by John Williams, gives depth to the storyline and is something that fans of all ages will always remember. The specific Star Wars movie that I have chosen to analyze is Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, which was released on May 25, 1983.
¨The leader¨ elected himself to lead the pack of killers, which wasn't the right thing many people disagreed with the Reign of Terror and
What was his/her childhood like? Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker spent his first 19 years of his life on a moisture farm on Tatooine , where his uncle tried unsuccessfully to stop young Lukes adventurous streak “You can keep him here,he 's to much like his father”. As a teenager, Skywalker dreamed of adventures beyond Tatooine and clashed with his uncle over his desires to fly among the stars to distant worlds. Luke Skywalker possessed talents in droid repair, piloting, and the Force, making him very much his father 's son. He had dreams of joining the Imperial Academy to fight the evil empire and becoming a pilot.
Once the hero has received his Call to adventure, like George Lucas’s Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, they must go on to face their first challenge, the threshold guardians, which ultimately challenge their will to take on the burden of the task. For young master Skywalker, the threshold guardians come with guns. Shortly after young Skywalker receives his call to adventure, from R2-D2, the little droid disappears. When Luke finally locates R2, a group of warriors called Tusken Raiders strike at Skywalker, knocking him out. The sand savages scavenge through Luke’s vehicle, until Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives scaring off the savages, saving Luke.
Harrison Bergeron: Heroic or Dangerous? “‘I am the Emperor!’ cried Harrison ‘Do you hear me? I am the Emperor! Everyone must do as I say!’”
As a high ranking officer, he was granted admittance into Hitler’s compound. Respected by Hitler, he was happy to see Stauffenberg. Sticking to the plot which seemed essential, stauffenberg was reminded of them. “The leaders of the plot included retired colonel General Ludwig Beck, Major General Henning Von Tresckow, Colonel General Friedrich Olbricht.” (Britannica).
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader): A Child Development Analysis Hunter Rust University of Missouri-St. Louis ED PSY 2212: Child & Adolescent Development Professor Niara Savage February 19, 2023 Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader): A Child Development Analysis Anakin Skywalker, later known as Darth Vader, is the single greatest tragedy of the Skywalker Saga, an informal name for the movies 1-6 of Star Wars. The movies take us through his early childhood years as a curious aspiring pilot, to the end of his life as a callous and hateful sith lord. Somewhere along the lines, Anakin started to lose his humanity as he drifted towards corruption. He began his life in slavery, serving a cruel shopkeeper named Watto, who had affixed a bomb
At the center of the story in Star Wars, is the scheming Darth Sidious, disguised as the kind Senator Palpatine. He uses the Republic’s fear of rebellion and war to gradually seize absolute power. Lucas draws a great similarity between Palpatine and Hitler and their ludicrous, yet strategic rise to power. In Revenge of the Sith, there is Chancellor Palpatine who wants emergency powers juxtaposed to Chancellor Hitler’s request in 1933 of the Enabling Act. Palpatine had cleverly, through the separatists, created a climate of total fear, and once a solid threat had been perceived, the senators were more likely to give him emergency powers.
It is commonplace that a single person starts a regime that changes an empire or even replaces an existing one. Liu Bang is an example of such. Although he had the influence of an existing ideology, he transformed his existing state as a peasant bandit and rose to become the emperor of the forged the Han Dynasty. Although individuals can record particular histories, it is not the case that an individual can create the histories of an entire
` In May of 1977, Star Wars: A New Hope was released with overwhelmingly positive reviews and marking a new era in cinema. The writer and director of the film, George Lucas, decided to expand upon the Star Wars universe in 1999 by making Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, with a story that took place before the original film’s story. This movie was made with advanced equipment and cutting-edge CGI (for 1999), nonetheless, the movie was panned by critics and enraged an entire generation of moviegoers. The answer to why this happened lies in the differences between the two films: use of special effects, construction of characters, and complexity of plot. “A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story.
"Kylo Ren is not a Sith, he works under Supreme Leader Snoke (being played by Andy Serkis), who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force." Says Abrams to the magazine. In a previous interview with Entertainment Weekly, Abrams said that
Since May 25, 1977, people have marveled at the epic space operas and cheered on the Jedi in all six films. However, ever since the ‘Expanded Universe’ started up on November 19, 1978, the history of the galaxy has been building up as well. Here it can be seen that the Sith was not always the “Bad Guys” and the Jedi’s practices actually are more questionable than they seem. Way back in the day, several colonies of various Force-Sensitive species on the planet Tython formed the Order of the Je’daii (later known as the Jedi). Their goals were to balance the light and dark side of the force.
With over seven billion people on the planet, it is challenging to believe that I am unique. Rather, it 'd be egotistical to claim that I, and I alone, have this one distinctive, singular something to contribute to the Michigan State community. That said, however, I do believe that I have qualities that would further enrich and diversify Michigan State 's campus life. To take from the famous quote from "The Incredibles," if everybody is special, then, effectively, no one is. The question of what would "add to the overall richness of campus" life becomes complicated, considering that.