
Starbucks Brand Loyalty Case Study

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The main purpose of this chapter is to discuss the research findings that related to the research questions and hypotheses. Moreover, based on these findings to present a conclusion and recommendation. Finally, the limitations of this research will be discussed and analyzed critically in order to provide empirical evidence for future research that relate to the indirect relationship between CSR and brand loyalty.

5.1 Discussion of Findings
Although some of the findings do not present as expected, the hypotheses were verified based on the traditional path analysis method (MRA). The main findings of the study are presented as follows:

(1) The first research question was asked about which dimensions of CSR are included in Starbucks CSR Annual Reports. From the CSR Annual Report (2014), Starbucks linked their success to the thousands of farmers who grow their coffee. Actually, Starbucks run business by fulfilling its …show more content…

Based on the data collected from China, we found that the perception of four dimensions of CSR shown a varying degree. The highest Chinese customers’ perception of CSR dimensions is customer aspect of CSR, which is indicated by the highest mean score of 4.06 (between “agree” and “strongly agree” on the scale). It was closely followed by economic aspect of CSR with the mean score of 4.04. The mean score of environment aspect of CSR is 3.94 (between “neutral” and “agree” on the scale). However, the community oriented CSR is the least perceived Starbucks responsible practices in China with a relatively lowest mean score of 3.73. Judging from the high mean score of these four dimensions of Starbucks CSR practices in China, it can be seen that on average, Chinese consumers have a positive attitude in the company fulfil its responsible obligations towards customers, economic, environment and community dimension of CSR in

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