Sterculia Foetida Seeds Case Study

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Fig. 1. Sterculia foetida trees, fruits and seeds Fig. 2. Preparation stages of sterculia foetida seeds. 1 – stercu-lia foetida seed with fruit, 2 – Raw seed, 3 – Seed with coating (removal of top layer), 4 – Seed after removing coating, 5 – Final stage of seed (nut, ready to crush) Fig.3. Fatty acid composition Table 1 Fatty acid composition S.No Content Fatty acid composi-tion % 1 Myristic 0.2 2 Palmitic 48 3 Stearic 1 4 Oleic 14.3 5 Linoleic 20.9 6 Linoleni 14.6 7 Arachidic 1 8 Unsaponifiable matter 1.8 2.3 Fatty acid composition Sterculia foetida oil fatty acid level shows in Fig.3. Raw sterculia foetida oil has maximum percentage of palmitic content, its contribution to the heat of combustion of the oil was also significant level. Oleic acid with a single bound and saturation level contributed enormously to the performance of the fuel.[22] Linoleic is unsaturated it has 20.9 % of sterculia foetida its mention higher oxygen rate to oxidation process. The fatty acid level clearly mentioned (Table 1) sterculia foeti-da is suitable for combustion process. 2.4. Transesterification of Sterculia foetida oil Transesterification process shows in Fig.4. Sterculia foetida oil mixing with 15 % of methanol and 2% of KOH catalyst. Electrical motor used as an agitator to the solution, motor run-ning at 200 rpm. Reactor temperature maintain at 55oC, in this process continuous up to 6 hours. During the process one small drop (0.5%) of sulfuric acid add with the solution.

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