The Britannica Dictionary describes stereotypes as “often unfair and untrue beliefs that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic.” Furthermore, stereotypes not only label people but also strengthen harmful biases, making it difficult for people to appreciate people's differences as well as restricting others' opportunities. This leads to the question, why are stereotypes harmful to a community? There are many answers to this question however, stereotypes are the most harmful obstacle to a community because they establish false standards and unfairly limit opportunities for others. Stereotypes are the most harmful obstacle because it establishes false standards in someone’s idea of another person.
Furthermore, these stereotypes can and have been implemented into various types of media. The type of media I looked into was the sitcom, The Golden Girls. One aspect of aging is shown in the first episode. We are introduced to one of the main characters named Dorothy.
First, it is important to establish what stereotypes are, and how they have a positive or negative impact on others. Stereotypes are common assumptions about a certain group of people, which are used to define them without proof. There is no such thing as a positive stereotype, no matter how good it sounds. Many people consider the stereotype that “All Asian people are good in academics” or “all Caucasian people are the bravest” to be good stereotypes, but in reality, it just sounds good on the surface. These stereotypes are actually damaging to everyone because not all of it is true.
Stereotypes are in the world all around us, in film, TV, literature and in everyday life. “A Stereotype is a conventional, formulaic and oversimplified conception, opinion, image or conforming to a set image or type” ( Stereotype happens on an everyday basis, similar groups of people are categorized by such factors as race, color, what they wear, and their behavior. Stereotype are used to categorized people by such factors as race, color, what they wear and their behavior. Stereotypes chose one aspect of a person or group and link them all together.
Class Stereotypes Stereotypes are seen as overgeneralized ideas, images, or beliefs of a person based on a group of people. Stereotypes can either be taken or said in a negative or positive way but mostly seen in a negative way. Stereotypes are formed on a life experience, idea or a belief a person may have towards one person based on the person’s gender, race, religion or social class. The most common stereotypes are of the social classes which are the: upper, middle and lower class.
Stereotypes are simple images or beliefs over the attributes assigned to a particular social group, are models of behavior that become schemes deeply rooted in our mentalities to the point that we adopt them as part of human naturalness. Stereotypes can be racial, religious, sexual and social. These could be the caused of a known incident or attitude years earlier, or simply the result of frequent rumors. Stereotypes can affect different spheres of society. These assumptions can filter into many aspects of life.
Over the span of hundreds of years these stereotypes have developed and now help define groups of people. A stereotype is not necessarily a true statement or it may not describe every person in a race but due to popular belief it has become this way. Some people tend to believe that stereotypes are correct and they judge races according to them. When a person is asked to describe someone from a specific race, they will most likely state multiple stereotypes that for most are not even true. This becomes the reason for most racial profiling and increases the barrier between people.
The media often reinforces two extreme stereotypes of older adults. One extreme stereotype shows the negative aspects by highlighting that old age is plagued by illness and a high dependence on others. The other extreme stereotype highlights the seniors that are doing exceptionally well by showing that they are completely independent, finally stable, and maintained a youthful look and persona. These portrayals do not represent the life challenges and successes of the mass majority of aging adults. Older adults are rarely represented in the media, so how they are represented truly matters to their overall image and approach to aging.
Baby boomers challenge the stereotypes about aging is that they do not want to retire at the age of 60 years old. They already know that the economy has changed and therefore money is not available for a lengthy retirement. The average baby boomer today is more active than a person would think that they are active. They take a important role in exercise and are open to new ideas. Examples of families in later life that dispel negative myths on aging is the fact that people are living longer.
A stereotype is a fixed set of beliefs upon of a certain group of individuals who share common traits. Stereotypes can be classified into a wide range of categories such as: race, culture, ethnicity, gender, social or economic status, and religion. A stereotype has to do with a group of people rather than an individual. Most stereotypes are biased and untrue. Stereotypes often lead to prejudice, meaning that one acts a certain way due to the fixed beliefs they have toward a certain group of individuals.
All Asians are good at math, all blondes are dumb, all Muslims are terrorists - these are all common stereotypes. Without even realizing it, stereotypes have undeniably played an enormous role in individual lives. Minds seem to already set a certain image in them based on the people they encounter. People judge others by their skin tone, ethnicity, and physical appearance unconsciously, and this have been proven by many social experiments. Of course, though these stereotypes might be accurate at times, there are situations where they are completely defied.
In today’s society, individuals and groups are labeled with either positive or negative stereotypes. People encounter stereotypes everyday and everywhere. It is the picture people paint in their minds when approaching a group or individual when in fact it may be different in reality. Stereotypes affect a person’s way of living and thinking either in a negative or positive way. Stereotypes are based on truth but in an exaggerated way, while misconceptions are formed from having stereotypes.
According to Lippmann, “stereotypes are ‘pictures in our heads’ that we use to apprehend the world around us” (16). Stereotypes can be formed due to effects of media, as Wood describes media as pervasive, powerful and influential (31). Hence, stereotypes can be defined as inaccurate perceptions towards a group of people or community that is strongly influenced by the media. Whether positive or negative, stereotypes are usually false as they are formed based on personal judgments, which are biased or exaggerated. When stereotypes are consistently portrayed in media platforms, they subconsciously form and maintain assumed identities for the stereotyped groups.
Stereotype a word that harbours judgements and ideas of how an individual or groups should act depending on factors such as social status, culture, sexual orientation and nationality. It is still used very often in today’s society but most of it consist of ideas that are proved to be false or exaggerated but nonetheless these unrealistic judgements are spread amongst society through propaganda, traditional and social media. In some circumstances, stereotypes can be extreme enough to incite prejudice, disrespect or even racism between people. Three stereotypes that I find to be to be really relevant in today’s society are directed towards the culture of Americans, Asians and Muslims. These stereotypes portray how these populaces act and what their characteristics should be or is.
People get categorized by stereotypes everyday just by outward appearances or the group of people they are associated with. A stereotype is a preconceived notion about a group of people. People form fixed images of a group that are assumed that all group members act and behave is a particular way. A person essentially gets stereotyped by being “guilty by association” of a particular group. All stereotypes get based off of a bit of truths that all group members similarly have.