The way that other people stereotype me is mean, rude, and ungrateful. Those are just a
few but I don’t think that those are true about me. I can be mean sometimes but so can
everyone. I always see people looking at me a certain way and I can almost guarantee that they
are judging me or stereotyping me. People might think I’m rude when they talk to me but that’s
simply because I say what I’m thinking. Whenever someone asks me something I’m not going to
lie about it, I’m going to tell the truth and sometimes people might think that it’s rude, but that’s
just how I am. Other people might think that I’m ungrateful with what I have, which isn’t true but I
think people think that because they think that I am always wanting something
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I care about other people’s feelings and about how they are doing. I always ask
people if they need help and how they’re doing, simply because I care about them. All of my
friends say that I’m funny and my family always laughs at me so that’s why I decided to put that
down. I don’t try and be funny, I just be myself and I guess that’s just who I am. I say that I’m an
athlete because I play sports. Some people might not think that I’m an athlete just by looking at
me, which I don’t know how you could look like an athlete or not, well I do but. Anyway, I play
two sports and I love them both. People probably think that I don’t play sports because I have
no life, but if you know me then you would know that I love sports and that I play them all the
time. I only “play” two sports, but I play all sports, if that makes sense to you. I just don’t want
people thinking that the stereotype me is the real me because the real me, I think is a good
During this activity I learned a lot. Everyone thinks something of someone else no matter
what. Everyone has a stereotype and everyone judges each other. People think of people in
bad ways and good ways but everyone thinks of someone else in a different way. A lot of