Distinctive Approach To Employment Management

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• “HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.” Storey (1995: 5).
What this means is that HRM is a sort of different way of employment management, it incorporates strategic development and through this it seeks to gain a competitive advantage and it will do this by using cultural, structural and personnel skills
• “HRM is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capability is critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, …show more content…

A very quick development of a new industrial approach to work helped change the world a lot. Quick & cheap productions suddenly become very important for employers. Factories would hire thousands of employees, many whom could work up to 16 hours a day. However soon after thought, many employers found out those employees who feel satisfied are more effective and also will produce more than depressed employees. It was because of this that many factories began to introduce voluntary programmes for employees to help improve their comfort and satisfaction. While on the other side of this, the government intervened and put in place basic human rights and work …show more content…

These challenges need to be addressed so that HRM can succeed. The challenges facing HRM include:
• Limited Resources for Training: A limited availability of resources is one of the many challenges facing HRM. When it comes to training the organisation hast to have a budgeted fund for accommodation, travelling and this needs money while the organisation may not have the ways of implementing this. This means the employees have no way of gaining of a competitive advantage.
• Recognition of HRM: This is another major challenge facing HRM. It is to do with the input towards business access and achievement of the organisations objectives. HRM managers are not appreciated in their roles and their role is not clearly defined in the company. If the company has a general manager they usually don’t see the need to appoint a HR manager.
• Trade Unions: They are known for being ruthless when it comes to negotiation and will get the employee to strike if it comes down to that. This is very annoying for the HR practice as HR managers are meant to provide a good working and helpful environment for

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