Strengths And Weaknesses Of Leshop

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1.1 Weaknesses The weaknesses elements of a company are the internal attributes and resources that detract a successful outcome. 1.1.1 The Swiss Post is the only partner for deliveries. LeShop uses the Swiss post to deliver the orders. They are then highly dependent of their logistics as it represents the last element of the chain to the customer, also called the “last mile”. LeShop recognizes that the customer wants to have the most precise and the shortest delivery time and thus, in October 2015, the company extended the delivery time to the Saturday morning and made the delivery period shorter; the shortest being 2 hours 30 minutes in the Zurich area (Développement des prestations grâce à des heures de livraison précises, 2015). But the delivery on Sundays is still not ensured by as opposed to CoopAtHome, LeShop’s competitor, which delivers on Sundays using taxis (Schmuck, 2016). The Swiss post recognizes that there is a potential with some customers and starts to think about it. Indeed, LeShop is losing customers that are not present during the days of Monday to Saturday and/or who don’t want their packages to be left in front of their door. Secondly, the fact that the Swiss post is the only partner for delivering is a weakness because the consequences of a contract rupture or a change in prices would be high. Indeed, LeShop would have to either find a new partner, or to adapt to the new conditions. 1.1.2 Minimum shopping cart On the customer’s side,

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