Health And Stress Literature Review

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Stress and Physical Health

Stress can be easily considered the most spread issue of modern people. Most people today suffer from the stress of different levels of severity and its diverse effects on health and social behavior. Our academic group decided to research the effects of stress on students, their academic performance, health (both mental and physical), and social behavior. The reason for choosing this very target population is due to high risks of stress and a lot of stressful situations among students, especially during examination weeks. In these periods, students experience extreme overloads that inevitably lead to many health and mental issues. This literature review will explore the impacts of stress on a person’s physical …show more content…

According to the article, stressors lead to “changes in the immune systems, cardiovascular and endocrine systems” [1]. Homeostatic changes are a response to stress hormones which destabilise the body by stimulating energy distribution within the body organs and tissues [1]. As a result, immune cells are activated which then put on hold physical activities such as growth and eating and that could be risky to the physical status of the body [1]. The rise in the levels of leucocytes in blood in absence of pathogens could damage tissues and organs in case of acute stressors [1]. Elevated intracellular damages is associated with poor immune responses and body healing which increases an individual’s vulnerability to infections …show more content…

They contain significant amount of information about how stressors lead to the development of physical illness. Moreover, [1] and [2] articles that have been recently published, offer substantial information that is more relevant to our topic. [1] Contains a valuable background of stress and its impacts on physical wellbeing, where it explores stress responses and the relationship with the outcomes. [1] also shows the biological connection between the stressors and illness which is an aspect that is necessary to our research team. [2] Is shallow in establishing the impact of stress on physical health, but is easier to comprehend due to its simplicity in language, thus it will be useful to complement the understanding of [1]. [2] differs from [1] in which it argues that stress can have both a negative and a positive impact on an individual’s physiology. [3] Shows an overview of the topic information without establishing the biological background that is responsible for the effects of stress on illness. [4] Describes life events that cause stress, it identifies crucial circumstances, stressors, that relate to students. These articles have provided important information that demonstrates the impact of stress on physical

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