Stress And Work Life Balance

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Stress and Work Life Balance
Stress is a situation in which there is physical and emotional reaction to changes, or challenges. We may experience stress when our body responds or reacts physically, mentally and emotionally to any change or stimulus that requires adjustment.

Imbalance between demands of job on one hand, and resources and capabilities owned by employees to meet those demands on the other hand results in work-related stress (Stress at Work, nd). In support of this Information Sheet for Employees (2011) define stress as a state involving varying degrees of anxiety, fear and agitation that results when a person is demanded by a situation, a relationship or a specific task which is not easily met or which a person feels he or she …show more content…

As to him in order to manage stress generated from an unbalanced work life, there is a need to delegate some of one’s extra work activities. These could serve as ways of creating a positive work-life balance which will help to manage stress. This implies taking into account issues of work-life balance in human resource practices could be an effective tool for managing stress. Being aware of this fact, trying to reduce levels of employees stress and improving their job satisfaction through WLB policies and programs is critical in managing human resource of 21st century. However, this is not the case in many workplaces as individuals and their organizations face a growing problem of managing stress at work hampered by lack of understanding about the concept of work-life balance and how to use it as an effective tool; as a result stress at work is an increasingly common feature of modern life and has devastating impact on performance from different angles, so organization managers need to emphasize on work life policies and strategies so as to make their employees happy and satisfied by reducing stress if the organization need to be successful (Avey et al., 2009 as cited in Shahzad, 2011). Inclusion of work-life balance as organizational policy becomes critical tool in managing stress and increases performance. This would ultimately help …show more content…

Employee’s job performance depends on some combination of ability, effort, and opportunity. But, the measurements can be done in terms of outcomes or results produced (Estes & Michael, 2005). Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity during a specified time period. According to this definition, performance is set of outcomes produced during a certain period of time and it is not only related to the action but also involves judgment and evaluation process

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