Sugar Free Ice Creams

757 Words4 Pages

Q1.Do you sell sugar free ice creams? o Yes o No

Q2.Age group of sugar free ice cream seeking consumers o 18-25 years o 25-35 years o 35-45 years o 45-55 years o Above 55 years

Q3.Which brands of sugar free ice creams do you keep?
O Amul
O Baskin & Robbins
O Cream Bell
O Dinshaw’s
O Havmor
O Mother Dairy
O London Dairy
O Others _________
Q4.How important is the margin for you to push the products (sugar free specially)?
O Very important
O Important
O Neutral
O Less Important
O Least important
Q5.How important is the replacement for you to push the products (sugar free specially)?
O Very important
O Important
O Neutral
O Less Important
O Least important
Q6.How important is the visibility for you to push the products …show more content…

o Very Frequently o Frequently o Neutral o Rarely o Very Rarely

Q1. Age
O 18-25 years
O 26-35 years
O 36-45 years
O 46-55 years
O Above 55

O Male
O Female Q3.Which of the following ice cream brands do you prefer?
O Baskin & Robbins
O Cream Bell
O Dinshaw’s
O Havmor
O Mother Dairy
O Vadilal
O Others _________

Q4.Do you prefer sugar free ice creams for any health concerns?
O Yes
O No
Q5.Are you aware of sugar free ice creams available in the market?
O Yes
O No

Q6.If yes, how did you come to know about sugar free ice cream?
O TV commercials
O Radio
O Newspapers
O Magazines
O Billboards
O Digital media
O Relatives & friends
O Retailer
O Medical consultant

Q7.Does advertisement of an ice-cream brand affect your brand loyalty?
O Strongly agree
O Agree
O Neutral
O Disagree
O Strongly disagree

Q8.How often do you consume sugar free ice cream?
O Almost daily
O Weekly
O Monthly
O Occasionally
O Never

Q9.Which flavours would you prefer?
O Vanilla
O Litchi Mango
O Strawberry
O Shahi Anjir
O Chocolate
O Grapes and Guava
O Kesar Almond
O Kesar Pista
O Choco

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