
Summary Of Genetic Turning Points By James Peterson

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In chapter seven of Genetic Turning Points by James Peterson, the topic of genetic counselors is discussed in terms of their role in the genetic testing process. In my ethical opinion, genetic counselors are a necessary component of the genetic testing process. Without them, ethical lines are more likely to be crossed as I believe more patients would undergo genetic testing without fully understanding what he/she is giving their consent for and also receive unrequested results. Additionally, I believe that the absence of genetic counselors leads to patients being pressured into receiving tests he/she did not want or ask to take. , and receive unrequested results as well. Therefore, genetic counselors keep genetic testing ethical by devoting …show more content…

It is never ethical for patients to be intimidated or forced into undergoing certain testing. I believe it is the patient’s decision whether to undergo genetic testing and be informed of the results. In my opinion, a lack of genetic counselors compromises the ethics of genetic testing as patients are more vulnerable to being pressured into doing tests or receiving results they never wished to receive. Therefore, I believe genetic testing is done in a more ethical way when genetic counselors are available as counselors operate by listening to patient requests, only providing information of testing he/she wishes to undergo, and only presenting and helping patients understand the requested results. Even the author of Proverbs 11:14 (English Standard Version) points out the ethical importance of counselors by declaring, “[w]here there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Therefore, on top of my ethical opinion about the importance of genetic counselors, here, God Himself declares the importance of wise counsel. He also further adds that counselors establish a safer environment. In my opinion, a safe, intimidation free environment is always important in genetic testing, and this is the environment that I believe genetic counselors provide. Therefore, in my opinion, because wise counselors are also ethical in the eyes of the Lord, the presence of genetic counselors is ethically vital in removing the potential for intimidation throughout genetic testing, and important in living in the wisdom and will of the Most

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