The novel Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer is a nonfiction story about two child during World War II. In chapter one Helen Waterford is introduced, she is a young jewish girl who has moved to Amsterdam to hide from the Nazis that are transporting all jewish people to concentration camps. In chapter two, a young boy by the name of Alfons Heck is introduced, he has just in rolled in Hitlers youth program. The story changes back to each of the characters and their families telling the story of how the jews lived and how Germans lived during World War II. When I picked this book out I knew very little about the people the book is about and the author.
Connection In this novel we find out at Grandview high, the kids there are not safe from the bullying and the violence. Birgit Neilsen
The novel A Bridge To Wiseman's cove by James Moloney, is about two young boys, Carl and Harley Matt, who are faced with many struggling obstacles to overcome such as isolation, hopelessness and desertion. The character Carl, a 15 year old boy, moves to wattle beach with his younger brother, to what they thought was a short holiday to stay with their Aunt Beryl while their 19 year old sister, Sarah, goes for a holiday that never ends, still waiting for their missing mother to come home. Throughout the novel Carl expands as a person as he goes through finding Belonging, Identity and Neglect. Family: With Sarah and Kerry gone, Carl and Harley are left to maintain what they have as a family.
This novel is a fictional book, but it is written through children’s perspectives of how life would have been. The main characters are Octavia, Rodney, and Tasha. Octavia is an outgoing person who also is very scared about
Despite the title of the book, “My Antonia” is very much centered on Jim Burden. The story begins with an outlook on Jim’s adult life, and we are then catapulted into his Nebraskan childhood. As the book progresses, we witness the mental and emotional development of Jim as he has new experiences and meets numerous people. The book then concludes with Jim again as an adult. As a reader, I have observed him complete a cycle (going from point a, to point b and arriving at point a again).
Entry 1: The main character's name is Miriam Fisher. She is a poet and a seventh grader. She has a sister named, Deborah who thinks she is very popular. Miriam is very “weird” and different but she doesn’t care. She is always called names like freak, weirdo, and dumb.
“Truth is a hard deer to hunt. If you eat too much truth, you may die of the truth.” - By the Waters of Babylon. In the story “By the Waters of Babylon,” the characters are John, John’s father, The Priest, and humans that are portrayed as Gods in the story. The main character in the story is John, he is defiant and ignorant and he develops throughout the story.
In Willa Cather’s book, My Antonia, the theme of childhood can be seen throughout the book and affects the meaning taken from the story. A childhood theme can add so much to a story and really drive the points the author wants to make. As the novel follows Jim throughout his childhood the theme of innocence and maturity are displayed throughout the story in multiple circumstances. Jim and Antonia’s relationship revolves around their adventures as they explore the prairie and all its wonders.
This story spread around her town and Lily never had friends because no mother wanted their child hanging out with a child killer. She was never taken care of and she titled herself as “unlovable”. It was not that she was unlovable, it was that she wasn’t loved by the people that never knew what love was like T. Ray. She had many things she couldn’t be apart of as well like not being able to be in the girl club for young ladies. She had no mother and Rosaleen, their African American nanny/maid, could not be her female figure because Rosaleen was African
In this story “ By the Waters of Babylon”, we find out later in the story that the character’s name is John. He is the son of a priest. He is John son of John. John is the protagonist in the story. In the beginning of the story you see that John’s father is a priest and he is going through houses looking for metal in the Dead Places.
The main character, Jess, meets a wonderful girl named Leslie. Throughout the book, she changed his opinion of imagination, and he fell in love with her. Soon following this, they experience a fallout. Throughout the novel, Patterson displays themes of significant tragedy, grief because of the people stressing the tragedy, and the quest for identity.
It has 33 chapters, 202 pages, and another 3 pages for its foreword. Reading the subtitle itself will already give the readers an idea in which what the book is about. So, it is about how she handled the situation and found a treatment to the kind of illness his son Evan have had. II. Summary
It talks about loneliness, desperation and confusion that anyone who has no guide to ease them into the world goes through. It also talks greatly about the human mind’s ability to repress the memories that it finds too traumatic to deal with. The plot starts out simple, an unnamed protagonist attending a funeral in his childhood hometown. He then visits the home that he and his sister grew up in, bringing back memories of a little girl named Lettie Hempstock who lived at the end of the lane, in the Hempstocks’ farmhouse, with her mother and grandmother.
During the conquering of the Ottoman Empire , especially in the Balkans in the early 14th to 16th century, it has changed the complete structure of the inhabitants living during this time. An empire that has ruled and been strong in defeating their enemies to a empire that fell from their own civil wars of power, the Ottomans has changed the society in Europe greatly. The city of Visegrad is marked in eastern Bosnia by the border of Serbia. The inhabitants in this city is where the novel The Bridge of Drina by Ivo Andric is based during this challenging time being faced by civilians living during the Ottoman Empire control. From conversations and discussions in class this town had a mix of religious inhabitants such as Christian Orthodox, Jews, Gypsies, Muslims and Islamic traditions and the ethnic groups like the Serbs, Turks, Bosnians, and other Eastern European countries bordering were witnesses to the control of the Ottomans.
The first five chapters of the book introduce the reader to her childhood life, detailing fights between her parents, a visit to her school and playground, the family attending her grandmother’s funeral, and the time when a white acquaintance comes to visit the family house and