Anti-Federalists Patrick Henry and Mercy Otis Warren both opposed the ratification of the United States Constitution because they believed the strong national government the document created would have the power to take away the rights of the people. Patrick Henry’s speech at the Virginia ratifying convention in June 1788 and Mercy Otis Warren’s pamphlet, “Observations on the New Constitution,” both explain their authors’ opposition to the new Constitution for a stronger national government. In his speech Henry spoke of the lack of security for the people’s rights under the Constitution. Because of that, he said, the new Constitution should be considered as a source of anxiety and fear. The people needed to be more protective of their rights,
The main purpose of this chapter is to determine the Founding Fathers’ motives for creating the Constitution by analyzing a secondary source by Woody Holton, and several primary sources. Frist, I will begin with the secondary source, “Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution” by Woody Holton. Mr. Holton’s main purpose was to locate the motivation behind the Constitution in developments in the states (page 90). Mr. Holton addressed several grievances for possible motives of the Founding Fathers’. First, the excessive democracy that acerbated many Americans, the runaway inflation caused by the farmers who were allowed to satisfy their debt to creditors with property and good instead of hard currency, and the Revolutionary War that
1.Robertson states the founding fathers were politicians because they understood how to compromise, maintain political support even while conducting unpopular political activities, and balance conflicting demands. This is epitomized in James Madison because even when he did not achieve his whole goal, he still settled for “half a loaf rather than none.” His use of political strategy and willingness to compromise, shows that he and the rest of the founding fathers were not just political philosophers, scientists, or speculators, but politicians. 2.Robertson remarks some of the key reasons the founding fathers were successful in forming a new government is because during the time period they were framing the constitution there were volatile,
These men being known as the founding fathers The Virginia plan was to create a government consisted of what Edmond Randolph proposed that the national government be compiled of a supreme, legislative, executive and judiciary. It was also consisted of 2 houses. The lower house would represent states with the largest population. The members of the upper house would be elected by the lower house making the smaller states have little or no representation in the upper house at all.
In May 25, 1787, a convention was called in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to express the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. However, the intention from many delegates was to draft a new constitution; create a new government rather than fix the existing one. Rhode Island was the only one of the 13 original states to refuse to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention. At the Convention, the first issues they had to address was the representation in Congress.
What were our Founder's intentions for Congress and Congressional elections? The founders created the United States Congress to protect the rights of individual states and safeguard minority opinion in a system of government designed to give greater power to the national government. How did they see Congress relative to the President, and how is this dynamic playing out, especially with our understanding of Congress, elections and representation? They saw them as the word of the people. Today most people don’t see them like this or even at all.
By sharing his ideas about government, Madison played an important part in this group, and in the end he was the one “responsible for much of the substance of the document” (Oates 125). And Madison’s impact on the Constitution did not end when the document was signed. During the argument over whether or not to ratify the Constitution, Madison supported the Federalist side, which was for the Constitution’s ratification. When the Constitution was publicized, there was a significant group of people, including Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee, who disliked it and believed it shouldn’t be ratified. As a response to these so-called antifederalists, Madison teamed up with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay to write a series of eighty-five letters promoting the Constitution.
Hence Federalists came up with the Bill of Rights as a way to get the Constitution ratified and for people to really see a needed change. The Bill Of Rights which lists specific prohibitions on governmental power, lead the Anti-Federalists to be less fearful of the new Constitution . This guaranteed that the people would still remain to have rights, but the strong central government that the country needed would have to be approved. The 1804 Map of the nation shows that even after the ratification of the United States Constitution there still continued to be “commotion” and dispute in the country.(Document 8) George Washington stated that the people should have a say in the nation and government and everything should not be left to the government to decide.(Document 3) Although George Washington was a Federalist many believed he showed a point of view that seemed to be Anti-Federalists. Many believed that The Bill of Rights needed to be changed and modified and a new document’s time to come into place.
After a fiercely fought revolution, the newly independent American nation struggled to establish a concrete government amidst an influx of opposing ideologies. Loosely tied together by the Articles of Confederation, the thirteen sovereign states were far from united. As growing schisms in American society became apparent, an array of esteemed, prominent American men united in 1787 to form the basis of the United States government: the Constitution. Among the most eminent members of this convention were Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. These men, held to an almost godly stature, defined the future of the nation; but were their intentions as honest as they seemed?
Federalists were led by many famous names including Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, George Washington, and The Father of the Constitution, James Madison (Document 3). Federalists can state that the Constitution is better seeing that events like Shays’ Rebellion would not have happened since the federal government could levy taxes and generate revenue. There were many angry farmers, led by Daniel Shays, demanding compensation for their service during the Revolutionary War. However, since the Articles of Confederation stated that the federal government would not be able to levy taxes and pay the veterans. At the same time, the state of Massachusetts was taxing farmers that had no money after fighting in a war for at least a year, posing the threat of losing their property.
The Great Compromise which was founded at the Constitutional Convention wasn't formed without trouble. Many of the delegates that participated in the convention were wealthy landowners and lawyers, who owned many slaves. They failed to notice the diversity that excited within the nation. As they talked how to repair the Articles of Confederation, issues would arise that would create continuous debates amongst each other. One of the issues that would arise would be the nature of the new government.
One of the compromises made in the Constitutional Convention is the three-fifths compromise. In this compromise, the southerners wanted to add slaves to the population of the state they lived in. If slaves were included in their state’s population, that state would be able to add more representatives in the House of Representatives. Northerners did not agree with that statement because slaves did not have the right to vote. After the delegates compromised, they agreed that only three-fifths of the slave’s population would be counted into the state’s population.
Yet, to most people at the time the Constitution created an effective central government and federal system, “…Should all the states adopt it, it will be then a government established by the thirteen states of America…, but by the people at large… The existing system has been derived…whereas this is derived from the superior power of the people”(Document 8). James Madison included the statement above in his speech defending the Constitution, for he believed that the Constitution was a document by the people and for the people. What’s more was that he believed the Constitution provided a balance between the states and federal government that no other document had ever did
The United States was built among some of the greatest minds the world had ever seen, and to present times there have been comparably few to ever duplicate their genius. While history likes classifying these men into one unified chunk of American History, the Founding Fathers were actually a conglomerate of diverse thinkers. Some of the men believed in the philosophies of John Locke, who stated that humans were born neither good or bad, but with a blank slate. Many other men followed the human theories of Thomas Hobbes and the religion of Calvin, which viewed mankind a naturally flawed and more susceptible to a state of war. Though not all men agreed, the philosophies of Hobbes was the essential belief system that formed the ground on which
Introduction The stories of the founding of the United States is legendary in many regards. History places it that America was found by a group of farmers who had local political experience. This group came together in one accord and in arms to go against the monarch and tyrant to become a self-governed state. In the words of these men, “all men are created equal,” a phrase that natural elicited men and women to risk their lives for freedom .