Summary Of The Perpetual Border Battle By Marc Krikotia

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In “The Perpetual Border Battle,” which first publishes on The National Interest, Mark Krikotian pokes New York Times’ daydream on solving illegal immigration issues of the United States. Krikotian claims that, although the number of illegal immigrants is decline during the following years, the government of the United States still lack a comprehensive policy to erase the border battle from tomorrow’s papers. From his perspective, the shrunk of total illegal immigrant number is temporally. It is not solved by policy but caused by three other factors: weakened economy, strengthened enforcement, and movements in Mexico. For economic recession, Krikotian argues it as a direct cause of immigrants’ outflow. He gives historical numbers to prove that, economic recession did lead illegal immigrants to stop crossing the border. Bad economy makes high national unemployment rate, and losing jobs gives illegal immigrants no reason to stay in the United States. Krikotian also claims that the …show more content…

He claims that the U.S. border control has increased the number of hired agents and improved the strength of border barriers during the past few years. These improvements are critical to illegal immigrants because crossing border becomes much more difficult than before. It is more likely for illegal immigrants to be blocked, detected and arrested. On the other hand, Krikotian writes that the federal government develops several law statements to forbid illegal immigrants. For example, the federal government invents a smart system to scan immigrants’ fingerprints and match them in a public database. Also, Krikotian claims that the improvements on employment field have vital impact on illegal immigrants. A law passed to enable the electronically verify program that can scan information about companies’ new hires. This act makes many illegal immigrants’ chances of finding jobs