Super Food Essay

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Results Data of the present study revealed that the different colleges had significant variations in the reported student’s knowledge level about super foods. The knowledge level in each concept of super foods varied randomly among different departments.
Based on our study, most of the students believed that there is a relationship between super food and health.
Table 1 shows that the mean age of the participants was 21.06±1.03 with a range of 5 years (19 – 21 years). Six departments of two different colleges with almost equal percentage were studied.
Table 1- Descriptive statistics of the population
Variables Percentages
Age 19 5 20 24 21 39 22 24 23 8 Mean age 21.06±1.03
College Medicine 48 Applied Medicine 52
Department Nutrition 20 …show more content…

Which superfood in a diet may help you if you are watching your weight WHOLE GRAINS 8 BEANS 10 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 5 ALL OF THE ABOVE 77
6. Which leafy food has the most cancer fighting potential SPINACH 36 CABBAGE 17 BASIL 4 ALL OF THE ABOVE 43

Table 4 – Knowledge of students regarding super foods
Questions Responses Percentage
1.Super foods are miracle foods that guarantee youthful and long life true 78 false 22
2.Superfoods are miracle foods with super powers that can guarantee long life, cure chronic diseases and take 20 years off your age. true 70 false 30
3.Most superfoods are fruits and vegetables. true 84 false 16
4.Since superfoods are ultra nutritious, you can eat as much as you want of them. true 55 false 45
5.Dark chocolate is a superfood high in heart-healthy polyphenols true 88 false 12
6.Oranges are superfoods that fight cancer and stave off heart disease true 60 false 40
7.Tomatoes are a superfood, but the lycopene found in the fruit has been shown to cause cancer true 20 false 80
8.Broccoli is a superfood that combats cataracts true 73 false 27
9.Since walnuts are high in calories and fat, they are bad for the heart and should be eaten sparingly. true 30 false

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