Sweetened Drink Research Paper

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The consumption of sweetened drinks will result in various negative health effects. Some of which includes the increase risk of suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, kidney failures, metabolic syndrome, and even death. It was reported that a regular can of soft drink contain a high amount of calories, hitting as high as 150 and 165 calories for Coke and Fanta Orange respectively. When converted in terms of sugar level, each can would contain 12 teaspoons of sugar on average. With the regular intake of sweetened drinks, one would double the risk of having diabetes1, and increase the chances of gaining weight2 and having a heart attack3 by 27% and 20% respectively. Despite being fully aware of the implications sweetened drinks …show more content…

These 3 factors are closely interlinked on a typical day in Singapore. Imagine, what is the first thing that comes into our mind after being under the sun for the whole day? We would be frantically searching for cold drinks to quench our thirst. With the easy access to fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets and vending machines, along with the shortage and limited access to water coolers in public places (i.e. shopping malls and parks), this has led to the inclination of consuming sweetened drinks among Singaporeans. With the forecast that Singapore’s average temperature will rise to as high as 36 Degrees Celsius, we can expect an increase in consumption of sweetened drinks, since the beverage consumption and climate changes are proven to be interdependent (Z.Cerović, D. Horvat, 2013). Upon evaluating the factors within the socio-ecological model, I believe that the most effective way to reduce sweetened drinks intake is through (1) improving availability and accessibility to drinking water in NUS and (2) implementing campaigns to encourage an increase intake of water. In other words, the main focus is to encourage students to consume more drinking water within NUS

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