Swot Analysis Of Google

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Google prosperity is connected to its effective organizational structure and hierarchical culture in supporting development. The structure of company is not regular as it changes and direct social connections inside the firm. According to some hypothesis the solid arrangement between company’s ethics and structure have higher chances of success. The result of this arrangement is now visible in the organization’s pace of growing.
Google has a cross- functional organizational structure. It has three major components- 1. Function-based definition 2. Product-based definition 3. Flatness
Function-based structure- Functional departmentalization allows greater operational efficiency because employees with shared skills and knowledge …show more content…

Various external factors can impact the ability of a business or investment to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. These external factors might include competition, social-cultural, technological changes, and the economic and political environment.
According to PEST analysis, Google’s external environment factors are-

Political-It includes the increase or decrease of tax. The main effects of political factor s on business are Impact on economy, changes in regulation, political stability, mitigation of risk. The development of Google was discouraged by the legislature of US and China. They saw Google as a group of business entities and demand specialist to screen its exercises(Google,2009). This allocation does not influence Google activities as Google reacted quickly to the clients by addressing its policies regarding lawful view points.

Social-cultural- Individuals are being more taught and efficient. The living standard of people and demands are evolving quickly. The firm needs to observe such changes to contend with its rivals by giving extra administration. People nowadays are additionally progressive as the usage of web have increased widely. Google came up by building their own operating system named android through which Google shall have better …show more content…

It helps to increase in-depth knowledge and skill development among the employees and helps Google to achieve the organizational goals. Thus, it increases the productivity as the specialization make the task quick and efficient.
Weakness-Communications in associations with the functional structure can be inflexible as the methods for activity and the high level of formalization. Horizontal cooperation within the company can be affected which results in lack of development and lowers the motivation of the employees of Google. Therefore, it mitigates the production level and make harder for the organization to achieve goals.

Product-based structure-
Strength-Product-based structure helps the employee to emphasize on market sector. In addition, it fulfills customer demands more effectively and widen the knowledge of the workers. Cooperation and performance within each division is increased as a result it encourages competition between each department.
Weakness-Resources in product-based structure are not shared adequately across the division. It is difficult for the firm to recognize the requirement to change or drop the product. It prohibits company to achieve its goals as each unit operators focus on its

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