Som Mending Wall Analysis

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The poetry as a form of art is commonly known to be associated with the pleasure of interpretation, the aesthetic satisfaction from readings, and emotional relief while perceiving the authors’ point of view. Arguably, the interpretation of metaphors and symbols is the most challenging aspect of poetry evaluation. T.S. Eliot and Robert Frost are appraised masters of the poetry, whose works provoke all three responses mentioned before. However, Frost and Eliot could be differentiated in their approach to the figurative language and themes explored in the works, but it is crucial to evaluate the poems symbols in the context, rather than search for universal definition. First and foremost, the mechanism of symbolic interpretation is ambiguous and multifaceted. As would be mentioned later, …show more content…

For example, the wall could represent the values and collective experience: “Something there is that doesn 't love a wall, / That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,” (Frost, n.d., 1-2). The wall is destructed by the volatile events that leave the impact on human perception and morality. At the same time, the metaphor can be seen as lacking the artistry and sophistication, but Frost was proficient in transferring the precise and stable associative link of the image and its meaning. On the other hand, the wall is the restriction and isolation that man are constructing themselves (Srivastava, 2015, p.257). The clarification of the symbol comes in the second part of a poem when the poet discusses the personal walls. Nevertheless, the example of the wall symbolism illustrates the ambiguity of it, in the context of universal meaning the wall would signify the security and society. In the perspective of Frost growing concern about social alienation, the wall becomes the individual barrier between one and others, making visible the issue of increasing “us” and “them” tendencies of human

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