Symbolism In Uchchaisravasa, The White Horse

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This may signify the human desire to acquire material objects of desire, the fancy to look good, to acquire the power to win over enemies, yearning to move over long distances effortlessly, craving for sexual gratification and intoxication, good health, ample wealth and the sustenance of all these for generations to come. This is the heaven for the human mind and it wants to secure it for eternity for generations to come by not damaging the environment but nourishing the natural forces. The ambrosial nectar for the immortality of the Devas symbolises this.
Furthermore, different objects emerged from the process of churning may also have different significance and symbolism as described the following paragraphs.
Uchchaisravasa, the white horse with high ears and seven heads was given to Indra. As Indra symbolises mind, the horse with seven heads given to mind represents new ideas and innovations in different directions. Airavata (the white elephant), symbolises opulence. Airavata was also the outcome of the churning of the milk ocean signifies that the process can create wealth and opulence.
Kaustubh was a precious gem which emerged from the churning process. It …show more content…

Consciousness is the cause of all which is perceived through sense organs, it is also the cause of all feelings, all qualities—good or bad, emanate from consciousness, and therefore the wise ones see the Supreme as consciousness existing in all living beings as life force, and also as the cause of all non-living things. Knowing the Supreme as the cause of everything existing everywhere, the wise one adore him in rapt emotions. Always mindful of the supreme in every aspect of life, the wise ones are always filled with joy, bliss and love. They worship the Absolute due to overwhelming love and continuous awareness of Him in every aspect of life and their ignorance is destroyed by the shining lamp of

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