
Synopsis Of The Story 'First Stone' By Don Aker

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Introduction: First Stone is about Reef who commits crimes such as throwing a stone and making orange explosions on the streets.First Stone is about Leeza who judges others by their appearances and personality. First Stone is written by Don Aker. “Let anyone of you who is without sin to be the first to throw the stone”. My subtopics are Reef’s sentence and Judge Thomas expectations, Reef’s idea about manliness and Father figures in Leeza and Reef lives. Topic Sentence: Reef is sentenced to Community Involvement instead of going to jail which is Judge Thomas’s expectations. First of all, Reef is going to volunteer within the community so that he would understand the suffering of others.In addition, Reef is going to volunteer at the rehabilitation center every weekend or Saturday’s and it’s important because he needs to understand other people’s pain and to talk about what he learned about them. On page 79, “Beginning this summer and continuing through the school …show more content…

Secondly, the type of man that Reef wanted to be before was immature at the start of the story he threw a stone to Leeza’s car and he throws orange explosions on the streets. However, he is more responsible nowadays because he understands the pain and suffering that the patients go throughout the rehab and he is volunteering at the rehab. On page 188, “Sure he was saving Colville a pile of money by fixing the greenhouse and there was still time, when he’d been pulling out another splinter or bandaging another cut that he’d curse Colville long and tough in his head and the words pilling up like cars battle necking a merge lane”. On page 189, “started that today volunteering at the Halifax rehab”. In Conclusion, Reef is trying to be more involved in the community, more responsible as man and even if he is more responsible he needs to realize his sin since he threw a

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