Taking Notes During Discussions Pages 102-103

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Taking Notes during Discussions Pages 102-103
I was able to identify the information that was most important. By actually seeing the instructor`s nonverbal reactions to the student`s comments would be helpful because the belief is that fifty-five percent of communication is body language. The instructor would be saying a whole lot by saying nothing at all.

How I Feel about Tests Page 118
Although "tests may be the most unpopular part of academic life", I generally feel anxiety when it comes down to the wire. My first memories of being in a testing situation would be sitting in a cramped portable in elementary school. I was about to take an exam that would determine whether I would move to the next grade or not. The situation exerted great fear that I would not do well and have my parents' think of me as a failure. Despite the fear I felt, tests have good and bad aspects. The tests are meant to assess what has been learned. Tests do bring great stress, though. The factors that contribute to my success on exams are my note taking ability and the fact I have found a study habit that suits me the best. The strategies I use when taking tests to maximize performance would be not to study too much. …show more content…

It shows the instructor that the student has a good understanding of materials and actually studied to acquire the knowledge required for the class or classes they attend. If a student was to be dishonest, they would only be cheating themselves of the opportunity to have a better and brighter future.

Discover Your Reading Style Page 148
My reading style affects the way I learn in the textbook material because I mainly read to learn and retain information. It is very rare that I read for any other reason. My reading style does relate to the kinds of subjects I prefer. My reading style affects leisure reading because I mainly read for information and not for