The Importance Of Student Evaluation

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In most educational programs, a substantial proportion of teacher and student time is devoted to activities which involve evaluation for the teacher by peer group and student products. This paper deals to shows various evaluation process of exacting attention is given to outcomes concerning learning and teaching strategies, motivation, and achievement. Where possible, mechanisms are suggested that could account for the reported effects. The conclusions derived from the teaching fields are then merged to produce an incorporated summing up with clear implications for effective didactic academic perform. The evaluation of teacher’s has powerful direct and indirect impacts, which may be positive or negative, and thus be worthy of very …show more content…

- J. Andrzejewska
Formal or systematic evaluation by students of their teachers has long been used to help students in their choice of courses, to provide feedback to teachers about their teaching, and to supply in sequence for administrators and personnel committees in their deliberations on the promotion and tenure of individual faculty members. Moreover, with the increasing emphasis that many colleges and universities are currently putting on good teaching and on designating, honoring, and rewarding good teachers, the use of student evaluation is, if anything, likely to increase. Yet, for all their use, student evaluation of instructors and instruction are hardly universally accepted. It is no secret, for example, that some college teachers have little regard for them. For these faculties, student evaluations of teachers (or courses) whether sponsored by the university administration, faculty development institution, individual educational departments, or student run organizations are not reliable, valid, or useful, and may even be harmful. Others, of course, believe more or less the opposite; and still others fall somewhere in between these two poles of opinion. Moreover, the results of the research are to show how teachers applying active methods assess the effectiveness of their work and how students respond to this way of …show more content…

Students fill in a questionnaire prepared by the teacher and prepare a summary report in groups. Then they form a group of experts to prepare a collaborative summary concerning a particular issue. The results of the work are recorded on the poster. Each group presents its poster by formulating a proposal, which results from the previous analysis. Conclusions are written on the board. Everyone looks for solutions that will improve learning atmosphere.
This method is part of a SWOT analysis (S - strengths W - weaknesses O – opportunities/ chances T - threats). The teacher prepares two posters, one with a basket and one with a suitcase. Students receive cards in two colours. On one of them they write e.g. positive character traits of a literary hero and on the other the negative ones. They stick the cards onto the posters: the ones with positive characteristics are placed on the poster with a suitcase and the ones with negative characteristics on the poster with a basket. One of the students reads out information from notes, and then all the students express their opinions and discuss the results of the

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