Essay On Teaching Listening

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11. The findings of the observation checklist have shown that teaching listening was ignored among most of the teachers of English. In their teaching, teachers tended to teach listening by traditional ways i.e they read the texts loudly or let the students read them orally, rather than adopting the recommended teaching procedures.
12. As far as pre-listening practices are concerned, the data gained from the research results revealed that these practices were rarely employed in teaching listening skills. In the same way, while-listening activities were also paid little attention on the part of the teachers.They did not pay considerable effort to practise the intended listening skills such as listening for the gist, listening for the main points and word guessing, and so on. With regard to post-listening phase, teachers mostly failed to engage the students in these practices, especially the …show more content…

Beyond doubt, teachers can play a fundamental role in simplifying the process of language earning. So,well-organized training courses are required to help teachers to explore innovations and overcome the difficulties in teaching listening comprehension. Being equipped with knowledge for effective teaching can make not merely the teaching process easier but it can also help learners to be more productive in their learning process. The Ministry of Education should organize training based workshops, seminars and in- service training associated with how to teach listening consistent with the pedagogical procedures suggested in the revised syllabuses.
2.Pre-service teacher training is important and required to prepare teachers before engaging them in their teaching position. In this respect, Nodehi and Mehrabi(2013:350)state that the main aim of teacher education programme is to prepare a prospective teachers for real classroom environment that take account of both pre-service and in-service education which aim to raise the level of

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