Teachers Attitudes In Inclusive Education

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Teachers’ attitude was found to significantly influence intention to use technology in inclusive education classroom. This implies that there is a positive relationship between teachers’ attitude and their intention to use technology. From the direct influences attitude have on intention, it is clear that teachers who believed in the use of technology would find it beneficial to use them. It is reasonable to conclude that when teachers have positive attitudes toward inclusive education; these attitudes reinforce their intentions to use technology and consequently, lead to participation of children with special needs in the learning process. Once these children are fully engaged through the use of technology there is every reason to suggest …show more content…

The path coefficient result was not significant. This implies that there is no significant relationship between self-efficacy and teachers’ intention to use technology. Self-efficacy represents perceived behavioural control within the TPB model. Self-efficacy is also important in predicting intention. In the social cognitive theory, self- efficacy was found to be a determinant of intention (Bandura, 1977). Venkatesh and Davis (2000) hypothesized that self-efficacy would not have a direct effect on behavioural intention. Other studies however, found a positive relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and behavioural intention to use technology (Ajzen, 1991; Ball & Levy, 2008). The positive relationship found in the present study confirmed these earlier …show more content…

A significant relationship between teachers’ knowledge and self-efficacy was established. The implication is that the more knowledgeable teachers are the more positive their self-efficacy and the more likely they would use technology in teaching. Coffland, (2000) established that teachers’ knowledge enhances the confidence with which teachers tackle new and unfamiliar tasks, including their self-beliefs and unfamiliar settings. In these circumstances, teachers who had adequate knowledge about inclusive education were likely to use technology to facilitate teaching and learning. This study corroborates other findings that teachers with higher knowledge have better attitude toward the use of technology (Coffland, 2000). The path coefficient result showed that teachers’ intention predicted teachers’ actual behaviour in technology usage. In other words, teachers who have positive intention to use technology are likely to use them. The findings from this study have provided the evidence that contributes to the TPB in the teachers’ intention to use technology (Ajzen, 1991). The

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