Direct Approach In Teaching Style

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Teaching style refers to the teaching method that describes the general principles, pedagogy management, and strategies used for classroom instruction. Choice of teaching method depends on the student’s level of learning, a teacher’s educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject matter and school mission statement. Teaching theories primarily fall into two categories or “approaches,” teacher-centered approach and student-centered approach. Further, teaching styles have been classified in different ways. All these have their merits. It is good to know that all the methods have been seen in an accepted way according to their implication in different learning conditions. Mainly different teaching styles are seen into in the following ways. They are; direct method and indirect method, discussion, cooperative learning self-directed, method and delegator. Direct method It is also called teacher-centered approach. The teacher is the ultimate authority for knowledge. This approach towards language learning is based on structuralism. The teacher teaches information about language to the students and emphasizes on the memorization of language information. The focus …show more content…

Jim Henson (2005) says, ‘’Learners do not remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.’’ According to this statement of Henson the learners first are affected by the teacher’s personality and teaching method. The learners look for how the teacher reacts to the presence of students. Does a teacher exude his enthusiasm for teaching? Do a teacher’s belief and attitude affect his teaching? A teacher’s body posture, expressions, gestures, enthusiasm in subject teaching, attitude toward language and teaching influences the class atmosphere. If they are parallel to the teaching contents and effective for the teaching goals they will help the students in their

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