Technology In Hospitality Literature Review

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The purpose of this literature review is to find out if technology will be the human of the future. This paper will inform you about the history of technology in the tourism and hospitality industry, the varying types of impacts that technology has on the industry and also technological changes in tourism and how it enhances tourism businesses. Although the literature covers a wide spectrum of information it is mainly focused on three major headings in which also includes subheadings. Upon reading this paper, observations of the history of technology in the industry will be discussed. After such, topics such as Human Contact Vs Technology, Negative and Positive Impacts of Technology Customer’s Preference and the Benefits of technology will …show more content…

However, on an arguable point machines have a major advantage as it allows for the industry to replace human labour with technological implementations that can work 24/7 without any break, not only reducing the cost of labour but also improving the customer service being provided. However, the implementation of technology could cause several unintended consequences. These range from lost of jobs or even relevance of a human in a job but not eliminating the odds that a machine can still not be as effective as humans in certain situations. Due to the industry being rich with information it depends heavily on findings and developing new ways to distribute tourism and hospitality products and its services, marketing information to customers using the most convenient and affordable strategies.
As most of its products and services are intangible, perusable, emotionally appealing and people oriented technology has wheeled its way into fitting and meeting the needs of an individual effectively in ways that were deem unimaginable because of the demand of the consumers, but since the establishment, consumers rely heavily on information about the product or service before …show more content…

It also highlighted how developers may use this device in the planning process when they are building a new hotel, attraction or even a restaurant. The researchers used a sample population to carry out the research. They utilized tourists and got feedbacks from them about their experience using the virtual tour. The results they received were that most persons would prefer to visit the actual destination than to just be use the technological aspect of enjoying the

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