
Ted Bundy Research Paper

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Ted Bundy was born November24, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont. Bundy grew up thinking his mother was his sister and his grandparents was his parents. Bundy was executed January 24, 1989 by Florida states penitentiary electric chair. As Bundy grows up he becomes disturbing due to the fact of he liked knives pornographic photos and liked to peep in peoples windows as women were getting undressed. When Bundy was a kid he laid knives all around his aunt as she slept in her bed she woke up and their Bundy was at the end of her bed with a smile on his face and staring at her they took Ted to a psychologist. (Biography.com) Ted Bundy blended in with society he attended college in Florida he was dating a lady named Stephanie. As they came to a halt in their relationship she thought Ted was childish, immature and ignorant. Stephanie then dumped him and Bundy went on and started his little killing streak. Ted would lure his victims in by pretending he was hurt or he would impersonate an authority figure. Bundy then comes back to Washington university Bundy was a intelligent person but after his dumped relationship he becomes …show more content…

Ted Bundy was accused of so many murders and was anywhere from 38 to 123 murders and some bodies have been found and some have not. Ted Bundy had one victim escape from him. As Bundy impersonates a police officer and the scene somehow was played in his favor the victim got into a argument with and ex husband well Bundy proceeded to ask her to come down to the jail and fill out a report and she said yes. Well Bundy tries to handcuff her and she hits him hard with something and gets away Mrs.Daronch. Ted bundy impersonates a fireman towards a lady named Leslie Parmenter but Bundy however did manage to rape and murder her. As bundy was in jail once again he planned a second escape as he did his ex-wife Carole Boone help fund the escape that occurred in

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