The Ounce Of Examincy: The Life Of Teen Pregnancy

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One would be hard pressed to find a parent holding their new baby in their hands and the parent says “I hope one day you become a teen parent”. The reason being children of teen parents start off with the odds against them. In addition, teenagers who have babies have a harder time doing things that their peers because there an entire other life they have to consider. Teen pregnancy is a hard thing to deal with. Whether it is the teen themselves or those who have to act in support roles to assist them with raising a child when they are just a child themselves. The life of teen parents and those who assist them is difficult. Statistics show that more than 300,000 teenage girls ages 15-19 had babies in 2014 (Health, 2016). Therefore any methods that can decrease these numbers are an unfortunate necessity. Although some believe that providing birth controls to teenagers increases sexual activity; the reality is prevention is the best medicine. Good habits start early and teenagers who start off practicing safe sex are more likely to carry those behaviors into adulthood. In addition, teenagers are more likely to seek out birth control when they can do it without a parent or guardian. Furthemore the availability of birth control options is an effective barrier to teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.
An Ounce of Prevention
The process of preventing pregnancy can take place a number of ways. One can take birth control pills which stops a woman from ovulating. One can

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