Behavioral changes from one generation to the next naturally occur little by little. Nonetheless, changes in adolescent behavior from the millennial generation triumphing it have been substantial and revolutionary. Today’s teens have never witnessed a world without internet. The majority of them possess smartphones and waste several hours each week on social media. But while numerous parents may feel allayed about their teens’ seeming uninterested in drinking, driving and dating, they could perhaps be overlooking the effects that continuous internet access has on their teens’ mental well-being.
Why the internet is making us smarter? A refutation to Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: The Juggler’s brain In almost a cliché manner, Nicholas Carr, in his book “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains”, argues that technology is ruining our brains. Just like Socrates, first lamented the invention of the books claiming that it destroyed our memories and ruined our abilities to tell oral legends, Carr laments the invention of the internet claiming that it destroyed our memories and ruined our abilities to read books.
Nicholas Carr, What the Internet is doing to Our Brains The Shallows (2010) asserts that, “The price we pay to assume technology’s power is alienation.” He supports this assertion by saying, “They both ultimately achieve their mental and behavioral effects by shaping the synaptic organization of the brain.” Also by, “ We long to keep it activated.” The writer concludes in order for people to improve their thoughts, they will have to cope with the new technology and how they think. Carr believes that technology is taking over how people interact with each other.
Do you have a smartphone? Do you get on it everyday? In “Is Technology killing our friendships”, by Lauren Tarshis, she talks about how Technology is killing our friendships. One in 4 teens are on their phone constantly. Technology is killing our friendship.
Teens should undergo a cap of 5 hours a day in front of a screen. This is due to numerous forms of media. Some technology can improve a child's learning skills. They could also help teens talk to their friends and improve their social skills. Other people may say that kids shouldn't have screens.
Carr, Nicholas G. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. Print. Nicholas Carr is an author who writes and researches on topics about technology and culture.
Teen’s need to limit the amount of time they spend on the internet. Today's teens spend so much time on their cellphones, that a lot of that time ends up being wasted when they should be doing more productive things. According
Teenage sexting has recently managed to spark a moral panic. Susie O 'Brien and Imre Szeman have this to say about moral panic: At its height, moral panic spreads a wide blanket over social experience, interpreting diverse and random behaviors or practices as signs of a danger. Regardless of its general mythological origins, moral panic has real, measurable effects in the form of individual behavior, social behavior, in governmental policy. Sexting stands as a strange new practice that many are perceiving as dangerous.
What social media is doing to teens Social media is a very dangerous place that makes teens feel insecure. Teens spend more than one-third of their day on social media looking at stereotypical images of “perfect” bodies and people. As a result, they become insecure about themselves because they are not like the people in the pictures. The media states that a perfect person is skinny, tan, has shiny hair, straight teeth, and completely clear skin. However, because teens are going through a lot of physical changes they do not usually look like social media 's definition of perfect and they become insecure.
Sue Honoré, an independent learning consultant who has studied people who were born from 1982 to 2002 has that “while young people are "undoubtedly capable of long periods of concentration", those who spend a lot of time alone using technology tend to have less in the way of communication skills, self-awareness and emotional intelligence”. It has been proven that around 31 nations that students who used computers everyday in class had lower test scores in reading and math than students who don’t use them as much (Study: Students Who Use in School Doesn’t Help Test Scores). Though technology is amazing and has given so many people different opportunities they would’ve never had before it is resulting in a few bad habits for students. Casey Schools systems around the United States have begun to rely on technology to teach their students instead of teachers to teach them. According Michael Godsey, a veteran high-school English educator, even said and agreed with many people today that we are at the point in time where since we have the internet at our fingertips, there is really no need for teachers
Students can use technology for research, play educational games, learn from different areas around the world, etc. Yes, little usage of technology does benefit a child’s success. Nevertheless, most students spends too much time on their devices and is most likely going to get addicted to it. Technology is fun, but it leads to procrastination and eventually failing in class. Even though technology very useful to use, relying on it would not be a good idea.
Some people say that social media is dangerous for kids because it changes their behaviors and more importantly it affects their learning for school. It is dangerous because, they never know who they are chatting with online. Social media changes children 's behaviors because they do unhealthy things that are intended for people over 18 years of age. It also affects their education in a bad way by using abbreviations or slang that threatens their skills in writing. However, others say that social media is beneficial for kids because researchers see them expressing themselves on it.
Jamie Jackson Ms Calimlim English 9B September 9, 2015 Negative Effects of Youtube On Teenagers Youtube is full of potentials, especially giving opportunities for young upper comers. With youtube being available on such a big variety of devices, Big trending You tuber’s videos spread around the cities, countries and continents in a matter of minutes from uploading their video. With these big trending videos it creates jealousy and becomes an influences for teens to attempt these daring acts for fame. As Youtube’s popularity is get getting more and more popular the standards of a video to go viral keep getting higher and higher, thus people nowadays attempt to do bigger more dangerous things just for attention.
Should parents limit the use of social media for teenagers? That is a common question that is asked quite frequently in a world soaring with new technology and new social media sites. Today, teenagers live in a highly controlled technological world. When you look around, you always see a substantial amount of people scrolling on through their phone, barely paying attention to their surrounding environment and I have to say that sometimes I find myself in this situation as well. Every day, new advancements and applications dealing with technology are coming out that alter social function and capability.
We are currently living in the 'Net Generation', the internet being in the heart of it. The internet has become very widespread and available with almost one third of the World’s 6.8 billion people using it every day, amongst which includes school children as Well. Hence the internet is an essential part of the net generation's daily life. So it is no Surprise that the internet has such a huge influence on all of us, especially the younger Generation. Therefore, since the internet has such a revolutionary effect on all.