Henry Mintzberg Essay

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Henry Mintzberg has identified ten managerial roles that can be categorizing into three basic categories, which include interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles.
2.3.1 Interpersonal Roles
The managerial roles in interpersonal category cover the relationships between the manager and the people both inside and outside of the organization. Figurehead, leader, and liaison are the three types of interpersonal roles.
Manager with figurehead role may outline future organizational goals to employees at company meetings. Promac Enterprise Sdn Bhd will always have a small meeting for each department every week to state out the organizational ethical guidelines and the principles that need to be follow by every employees when they …show more content…

To overcome the high risk employee turnover problem, company can provide extra benefits for employees. For example, knowledge of English language is important for Promac Entreprise as it can be used as an effective tool of establishing communication between company and the customers in foreign countries. If the employees cannot communicate in a proper English, it might influence the sales of Promac due to hardly understanding or communicate with customers in overseas. If need staffs take English classes outside, it might be a burden for some of them as nowadays the fees for a English class is not cheap and most of them normally will not have the times to attend English class as most of them will be very tired after work. For those who already have family will be more difficult for them to attend class after work as they need to take care their children and other tiny stuffs. Thus, it is very important for Promac Entreprise to provide some extra benefits for employees like English classes or some useful educational assistance in order to help the employees. Although there will be initial costs to get a program or training like this to developed and implemented and costs to company, but this is worth if can reduce the employee’s turnover problem. This will be proven when there are increased productivity in employee’s performance over time. High rate of employee turnover can also make the remaining employees more stressed out because they have to fill in the gaps until a new employee is hired and

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