Tesla Brand Structure

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This part is going to provide several general ideas on the background of this project, the reason why it was picked, who it is going to affect, how big it is going to be and its structure
1. Background of the research
Ever since the beginning of time, people have been using tools to aid them in everyday life, from the sticks and stones to murder animals, tally sticks to count, guns to shoot, to the first general purpose computing device build in the 19th century by the British. The 1st people who tried to combine both the telephone and the computer was Tesla in 1903 when he conceptualized the idea. The 1st modern smart phone was a prototype developed by IBM who incorporated PDA’s features into a mobile phone, which …show more content…

And understanding the brand image helps form the merchandise’s quality, influencing the buyer’s perception of the company’s image (Porter &Claycomb, 1997, pp373). In a paper made by TihomirVraneševic in the British Food Journal (2003), it was found out that when making a purchase, consumers would first perceive the brand as a sign of quality before evaluating other factors such as physical appearances, packaging and price). Another research made by Rao and Monroe in 1989 proved that both brand and store name have a positive effect on perceived quality. Therefore, this study adopts a …show more content…

Therefore, we can adopt the following hypothesis:
H4: Country perception has a positive relationship with purchase intention.
4. Perceived

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