
Texas Secession Dbq Essay

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I think that Texas should secede from the Union because of slavery, states' rights, and secession. Slavery and states' rights were definitely the two main reasons, but secession was also another reason.

Slavery was very important to Texas because the farmers needed workers to grow and harvest their crops. I don't think that slavery was very relevant to Texas' secession because in document A, during 1860 the percentage of families that owned slaves in Texas was only 29%, which wasn't a lot compared to some other Southern states. Although the population of slaves in Texas wasn't as much compared to some other states, slavery was still important for the economy. Texans needed people to work on their farms, but they didn't want to pay people. Slaves were the perfect option for the Texans. Once the cotton gin was invented Texans started to have more slaves working on their farms so that there could be more cotton production. Based just on document A I don’t think that Texas should secede from the Union because Texas didn’t have as large a population on slavery in comparison to other states. …show more content…

Based on Document B, the people resolved that the African race had no part in their establishment which is pure racism. It was also stated in the document “That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights.” This is talking about white men only. I think that it is ridiculous that they called their government a free government, even though there is still

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