The Arts And The Importance Of Arts In Schools

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“The general public tends to view the arts as ‘mindless, nonacademic fare, more related to the hand then the head’ and to ‘associate the arts with entertainment and play, academic subjects with the serious business of life and work’”(Jalango 32). This is important because arts are not just for fun or entertainment, but for educational purposes that should be taken seriously. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and building civilizations. Although each arts discipline make unique contributions to culture, society and the lives of individuals, their connections to each other enable the arts disciplines to produce more than any of them can produce alone. The arts have both intrinsic and instrumental value, that is, if they have worth in and of themselves and can also be used to achieve a multitude of purposes- for example, to present issues and ideas, to teach or persuade, to entertain, and to design, plan and beautify. The positive effects of the arts in school can impact an individual not only emotionally, but mentally, socially, and physically. The arts greatly impact an individual emotionally and mentally. “When people speak of the arts, they generally associate them with feeling rather than thinking” (Jalango 32). People do not generally think about the academic part of the arts, they just think it is for fun and entertainment. People do not really see the importance of the educational purposes the arts have on people and do not think the arts are important

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