Essay About Space Exploration

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The night sky has always been a mystery for the mankind and we still have to find a lot more about it. Space exploration is a seek for the most precious treasure in the world - the knowledge. This journey gifts our community with advanced technology and knowledge, economical progress and safety and security.

Space exploration benefits our community with advanced technology and knowledge, because it improves the transportation system, it invents powerful telescopes and it gives us information about our universe. Firstly, space exploration improves our transportation system, because it invents new vehicles and makes the old ones better. The international space station is one amazing vehicle, settled on a non-stop basis with people, which …show more content…

Firstly, space exploration benefits our community with an economical progress, because it makes a friendly relationship between people and countries. The International Space Station is an example for an international project - people from 15 different countries participate in it. (ed. Garcia, Mark - "International Cooperation.") The "International Workshop on Exploration Science" brought participants from 21 different countries.(Dick, Steven J.) Secondly, space exploration benefits our community with economical progress, because it opens new job places. The job astronaut would never exist without the exploration of the Cosmos. NASA’s team is built by people working on many different positions and having more than 8 different jobs (ed. Dunbar, Brian). Finally, space exploration benefits our community with economical progress, because it improves the environmental quality. The solar cells were made by a space organization (NASA). (“NASA Technologies Benefit Our Lives”) Microencapsulating machines, created by NASA’s team, can clean water from petroleum and reduce the damage that it makes to oceans. (“NASA Technologies Benefit Our Lives”). Space exploration is important for the prosperity of the

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