Causes Of Gorbachev's Reforms

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During the 1980’s to 1990’s, a time of change came about East Germany, as in the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the fall of the Berlin Wall. A few decades of poor decisions and corruption had created an unsustainable system that would consequently lead to the collapse of the nation and no doubt the wall that divided it. Reforms that failed, political parties losing favor as well as vision, conflicts with other nations, and the nation’s poor economy were factors that were the cause of the collapse of East Germany.
Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 with a vision to reform East Germany.
The Soviet Union had been through torpidity under the progression of the old Communist Leaders who ruled with fear in addition with inertia. …show more content…

His following up plan addressed the personal restrictions of the Soviet people, Gorbachev called for openness in society, giving voice to the people.
What Gorbachev did not foresee was by giving the people a chance to speak their mind, he was giving a spark to the start of a revolution.
By loosening the controls over the people and making reforms to the political and economic elites, the Soviet government appeared weak and vulnerable to the Soviet people. His reforms did more to hasten the collapse of the Soviet Union than they did to save it.
The Politburo committee of the Communist Party was aging and losing support from the younger generations. They were driven by an ideological purity tied to Marxism that wouldn’t be replicated by the next generations.
After the removal of Nikita Khrushchev, who was the last of the Soviet leaders to have worked directly under the leadership of the original revolutionaries, in 1963 which signaled a fundamental change in Soviet politics.
Starting in 1963 and on, the Politburo party had drifted further against Vladimir Lenin’s vision.
With a more conservative approach to most …show more content…

Such as the glasnost earlier mentioned, which gave the Soviet citizens a chance to voice their dissatisfaction with the government.
His reforms were meant for another goal, but Gorbachev had set the motion of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Sinatra Doctrine, one of the first factors leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall, was meant to establish that the Soviet leadership had decided to let all countries even including its Warsaw Pact allies determine their own form of government. The Soviets had presided over their Eastern Bloc allies closely.
Referring to the former Communist states of Eastern and Central Europe, including the countries of the Warsaw Pact, along with Yugoslavia and Albania, which were not aligned with the Soviet Union after 1948 and 1960 respectively.
The Soviets had forced them to follow the Soviet communist policy, but with the Sinatra Doctrine, it had allowed the Eastern Bloc governments to make their own decisions to further extend. Leading into the second factor to occur at the Berlin Wall, the opening of the Hungarian Border.
Hungary had situated a closed border with its neighbor, Austria, being part of the Iron