
The Bible Quotes

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Spiritual sayings and Quotes of the BIBLE

November 3, 2014

While writing these saying I encountered the DEVIL's deceitful dealings.
He sometimes tried to make me write the wrong quotes and sayings. But I caught the miss prints. I hope I caught them all. For years I've been wanting to write a book but I never was able to come to a subject for the book.
I added the Books and chapters for you to refer too. Please enjoy. Currently,
I am writing another book. AMEN.


Abortion is MURDER. And will be judged by GOD for that.
Accept CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOUR or you don't know him.
A crisis christian.
Acts 1-8, 1:11 (light manner)
Acts 2:19-21, 11:14, 15:18, 19:11-17
Acts "Holy Spirit".
Adam named all …show more content…

FAITH won't work until you do.
False knowledge is more damgerous than ignorance.
Fear is,the action without GOD, it motivates us to do the wrong thing.
Fear not, be of good cheer.
Fear of the LORD is the beginning of all WISDOM.
Fear the LORD and turn away from EVIL.
Fiery trails are normal.
Fight the good fight.
Find a prayer partner.
Find a verse and live on it.
First Heaven is the Sun, Moon and the Stars.
Forgive and forget.
Forgiveness liberates.
Forgive others.
Forgive our debtors.
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Forgive your enemies, but don't forget their names.
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (St. JOHN 3:16)
For he who the LORD sets free is free indeed.
For thine is the kingdom without end.
For whom the LORD sets free, is free indeed.
Four BLOOD MOONS, Joel 2:, Acts 2:19-21
Freedom is the responsibity to do what we want.
Free from the world, the flesh and the DEVIL.

George Muller came to live by faith. (helped orphans)
Get all you can and can all you get.
Get your eyes off what you don't have.
Givers gain.
Give thanks to the Lord for his loving kindness is …show more content…

There's power in prayer.
(thank you atheist for recognizing that.)
There were 8 transitions at the cross.
The rejection of GOD is the biggest ingraditude of appreciation of GODS grace.
The righteous is as bold as a lion.
The road to Heaven is narrow which few will find.
The road to Hell is wide.
The robin got his red breat from bathing in the blood pools of the crucified JESUS CHRIST.
The salt of the earth.
The second HEAVEN is where the DEVIL resides.
The second reason for crucifixion is the WORK IS DONE.
The secret of life, you just hang around till you get used to it.
The sins of the father will often be visited upon the children.
The sky is GODS billboard of signs in the heavens.
The Strength of a family is like the strength of an army and loyality.
The storm isn't sent to you by choice but to determine your destiny.
The stone was not rolled away so JESUS could get out, but for us to get in.
The SUN and MOON are GOD's special agents.
The sweetest sound is that of the woman we love.
The sword of the truth is the word of GOD. (the BIBLE)
The third heaven is where JESUS sits on the right hand of GOD.
The truth hurts.
The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek

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