A Character Analysis Of 'The Cat'

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Most.Wahida Nahid
Id: 160260
Group: Topaz
Subject: Language & Composition
Instructor: John Remarek “Character analysis the story of the cat” Character is a feature or quality how people act, play or show their action in their real life. It is the most important part in human life. On the other hand character is important and particular role in a novel and in a film. Komolakanto and the cat are two important characters in the story of “The cat”. “The cat” is a satirical story. The main theme of this story is class discrimination between rich and poor people in the society which has been highlighted through the conversation between komolakanto and a hungry cat. This discrimination is an ancient norm and believes that people are carrying since ages which are actually not good as it affects negatively by showing negligence & disrespect towards poor people. According to the story “The cat”, Komolakanto is an important …show more content…

But it is totally opposite for the poor people. For that case, poor people may be get punishment or they can be insult (pg2). I dislike this type of Characters as it shows the disrespect to the people. The cat said again, “It is human nature to apply more oil to an already oily head”. I think, by this speech-author tried to say that, who is rich or powerful People give importance to them. In my view, Rich people don’t think about the poor people that they starve sometime. If someone arranges some festival, most of the time they think about the powerful peoples, celebrity or famous person. They refuge the poor people from their banquet arrangements. Above all, people want to help the rich people but no one agree to help poor people (collection from

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