Social Psychology: The Causes Of Teenage Aggression

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Teenage is a time of developing independence. Changes in attention, motivation and risk taking actions are the typical changes in the behaviors of the teenage. Behavioral problems are significant in all ages but one of the most challenging is the teenage aggression.
In psychology, the term aggression means behaviors that can result in physical as well as psychological harm to oneself, others or the environment around (Cherry, 2016). According to Baron & Richardson (1994), Aggression is a feeling of expression which can be seen externally and is expected to cause harm to the other person who does not wish to be harmed. Paul Malcore (2015) describes aggression as the powerful emotion which is expressed by all humans particularly high in teenagers …show more content…

On top is oppression, meaning self identification; the most challenging phase of the teenager’s life. When the teenager fails in developing independence, he usually ends up in aggression. Second main trigger of aggression is the puberty. Increase in hormonal level during the puberty causes increase anger in the teenagers. Social confusion is another cause for the teenage anger. A teenager’s social life is very complicated as he interacts with the peers, builds love relationships, and experiences stress from peer pressure, harsh parenting styles and other activities which overwhelmed the aggression in teenage group. Some psychiatric disorders including panic disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and many more can cause aggression in teenager. Many teenagers experience drug abuse which may lead to aggressiveness (Leo J. Bastiaens, …show more content…

1. Assertive: responding in a production way and in a non aggressive manner without causing a threat.
2. Passive: it is an indirect expression of anger such as stubborn or sullen behavior to accomplish the requested task. Teens usually ignore this type of anger because it threatened them and increases stress.
3. Aggressive: this is the most threatening behavior which leads to violent acts towards oneself, other people and environment. It also damages work or school problems and destroys relationships.
The signs and symptoms to recognize the aggression in teens are clinging of teeth, increased blood pressure, increase heart rate, irritability, loud pressured speech, intrusive demands for attention and verbal threats towards

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