The Importance Of Inter Process Communication

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Inter process communication is the mechanism of sharing data between multiple processes Johan (2001). These enable the program to manage many user’s request at the same time. Inter processes communication helps the programmer to handle the activities within different processes. According to Johan (2001) IPC makes it possible for individual application to help another application. In this paper IPC is discussed on how it allows the processes to use semaphore, monitor, sleep and awake mutex, mutual exclusion, critical regions race condition, and barriers to share data and memory. Race conditions Steve (1996) suggest that Race condition occurs when a system attempt to processes two or more processes that access the same data at the same time, …show more content…

Johan (2001) suggest that critical region terminates in a fixed amount of time. This critical region is usually used when programs that are multi-threaded are having some conflictions changes to data. The diagram bellow illustrate the mutual exclusion by using the critical region Mutual exclusion Mutual exclusion is the process whereby the access to the shared resources is limited. According to Burns (1993) in mutual exclusion the corruption occurs when more than one processes perform its operation only on a single resource, there operating system make sure that this kind of problem doesn’t occur. The following diagram shows the example of mutual exclusion: Here two nodes, I and i+1 have been excluded Sleep and Wakeup Sleep and wakeup is one of the solution to the mutual exclusion situation. “The process is put to sleep when it is unable to get in the critical region, therefore it is woken up if the critical section is no longer available” Mullender …show more content…

They are mostly used in order to control access to shared memory. According to Mullender (2005) Semaphores techniques are used for synchronising the activities of the operating system. File descriptors are used in order to implement the semaphores, therefore creation of semaphores are not atomic. A race condition occurs when two or more processes use the semaphore simultaneously. Burns (1993) suggest that the availability of the resource to be used is showed by the creation of semaphores and they are implemented through

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