The Daffodils By William Wordsworth Analysis

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How Romanticism effect on the poem and the poet and what is the secret collaboration of writing between Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy? Literature was written in Europe between 1789 and the 1820s , together the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolution gave birth to a self-consciously modern and revolutionary pan-European movement across all the arts in this era ,and called Romanticism in late nineteenth century .there are many important aspects of Romanticism :it is emphasis on the powers and terrors of the inner imaginative life ,it’s possible to follow a change in conceptions of the inner life which tended to give it primacy and prominence ,this period saw the rapid rise , expansion and growth of modes of writing associated with exploration of the self : lyric poetry , autobiography and the confessional essay, in the contemporary writing ,whether it was …show more content…

‘The Daffodils’ was written by William in 1804 and was published in 1815 . The Daffodils poem is one of the most popular poems in the Romantic period. The day that William Wordsworth wrote the poem it was in a stormy day in spring , near Ullswater Lake in England , William and his sister was walking . He was imagining that the daffodils were dancing and invoking him to join and enjoying nature beauty of the fields. The poem has six lines in four stanzas .Dorothy wordsworth took the subject for her journal .The theme of the poem “The Daffodils “ , Daffodils is very simple and easy word that can mention us the incoming spring season , when the fields were complete with the daffodils flowers which it’s color is yellow , in amazing view and beautiful dancing . The daffodils shows us the happiness of life and how the poet was happy and enjoying the nature , collection of human emotion in the daffodils that is inspired by the beauty nature that the human may neglect due to his busy lives

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