Air Pollution Essay: The Effects Of Solid Waste

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According to Franklin Watts waste refers to anything we no longer use, when we throw something away we create waste. Activities such as cooking or washing also create waste. Chips packets, sweets packs, peels, glass bottles are also referred to as waste. Solid waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste water treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded materials including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, commercial mining and agricultural operations. Waste can be divided into groups or rather categories.
According to the search dictionary there is rubbish from commercial establishments, homes and offices. Household waste is generally classified …show more content…

Shops, hospitals, farms, and factories all produce different kinds of waste. Some of this is poisonous and harmful to wildlife, people, oceans seas and many more other things. Solid waste is a very big problem that is taken very lightly across the country.
One of the reasons for the above statement is that most people do not have …show more content…

These are items we use every day and then get rid of them by putting them into the trash.
1) Purchase items in bulk. Products that are packaged in larger packages typically use less packaging per product than smaller packages. Next time when you go for shopping you can take time and check it out.
2) Analyze the size of the packaging for the products you buy. Choose to buy items that use no packaging or a minimal amount of packaging. For example buy apples from a bin rather than wrapped up on Styrofoam with plastic around them.
3) Buy items that are packaged in recycled cartoons. This helps promote recycling.
4) Choose to purchase items that are made from recycled products. These products are mostly environmental

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