The Dead Parachutist In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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The Lord of the Flies novel, by William Golding, is a symbolic allegory, delving deep into the true horrors of war, savagery, and the loss of innocence throughout the duration of time the children spent on the island. I the novel a situation arises involving a dead parachutist, still he represents so much more than Mr. Golding makes apparent. Commonly applied to the story is the ideology of a “beast,” the concept behind these two aspects are similar, yet have a distinct separation between them. Just like the notion of the “beast” and the dead parachutist is the “Lord of the Flies” himself, pertaining to reasons related to that of the other two major examples of symbolism. The dead parachutist is so much more than what you see, you must go deeper …show more content…

Simon, a boy who portrays Jesus, in attempts to tell the other boys about the real “beast” and what the “creature” truly is, he pays with his life, just like the son of God, when he would bring God’s word to the people and endures punishment for it. Simon releases the poor man whose pulse has stopped beating its rhythmic tune, allowing him to be swallowed up in the ocean, forgotten in the deep blue waves, and forgotten when the only one carrying knowledge of the truth dies; this shows freedom from the fight, when the wind carries the body to the sea for the water to embrace him, like a baby in a mother’s womb. Another theme that the parachutist indicates is the lack of communication to the real world, the man is dead, along with any form of communication, then when he drifts off many of the boys start losing hope and omitting the fact that the fire is their form of communication, a signal to the world that they are there, stuck on an island away from the rules of society and waiting for someone to rescue them. Furthermore, the lifeless body of the man is not a simple message, rather a task to remember, to remember that they are not savages, but young British

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