
The Decision To Re-Enlist's Role In The Revolutionary War

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Would anyone really want to go back to a place where there is barely any food, the living conditions are horrible, the risk of getting sick so great, and a high probability of dying even without the war beginning? This is the question that many faced during the terrible winters of 1777 and 1778. George Washington’s army was camped at Valley Forge, eighteen miles northwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the British were camped in warm quarters and ate good and plentiful food. In contrast, American revolutionary soldiers had to battle disease, starvation, and the freezing cold even before they had to fight their enemy. If you were a revolutionary soldier facing these conditions, and your time to re-enlist came up, would you re-enlist or stay on, or would …show more content…

The key idea of my argument is to explain why I want to not re-enlist based on the three reasons. It matters to ask a soldier, whether or not they would re-enlist because if everyone were to re en-list, it wouldn’t matter if you re en-listed or not, but if no one were to re-enlist, no one would stay to fight the war. Yes, we do need more healthy men to fight in the war, but if these are the conditions soldiers have to live with, then many would die just from the brutal conditions and not even from fighting in the war. If they supplied the soldiers at Valley Forge with warm living places and warm clothes, many, including myself, would most likely re-enlist and help fight the war. But without that, I think quitting would be the best solution for me. I cannot help my country if I were dead. But I can help my country at another time in the future in other ways. I am sure there are those who went into hiding, not because they were afraid, but because they knew they could still fight the enemy in other ways while staying

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