Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands tells the story of an unusual outsider who is shunned by society due to his physical appearance and unique abilities. Through his character and story, Burton reveals the positives and negatives of being an outsider, highlighting the beauty of individuality while also shedding light on the isolation and discrimination that can come with it. On one hand, Edward's "outsiderness" is what makes him so special and endearing to those who get to know him. His ability to create beautiful, intricate sculptures with his scissorhands is a testament to his creative genius and artistic talent.
What makes someone an outsider? In Tulsa, S.E. Hinton went to a large high school and in all large high schools they would have different groups. Everyone would stay in their own groups as they grew up S.E. thought it was idiotic. She made the book The Outsiders which had the socs and the greasers S.E. would get letters from kids who told her they also had the two groups in there school but they had different names for them.
Outsiders are a common sources of topic throughout literature and are defined as people who differ from what society deems as normal or having normal qualities. Throughout the semester, we have read several works that use outsiders to help convey a certain theme or message and there was one particular work that stood out from the rest. While reading “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie, the use of outsiders was incredibly effective due to Sherman using his own experiences of being an outsider throughout his life. This essay is the perfect example of the use of outsiders because of Alexie discussing how his parents raised him, his childhood experiences in school, and his adulthood ambitions. First of all, Alexie
An outcast is a term typically used to describe a person that isn't widely accepted by normal members of society. In the story The Catcher in the Rye, main character Holden Caulfield struggles with being a normal, functioning member of society. In fact, he often rejects being one by his own device. Holden rejects many social norms, including things like trying not to mature, not adapting to any social situation and watching other people doing things while he doesn't, and just his overall awkward nature. He does most definitely not succeed in his rebellion towards society.
In the novel by S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, Ponyboy struggles to understand right from wrong in society as he believes he is an outsider. Hinton uses the Notice and Note Signpost, Aha Moment, to develop the story and help the reader better understand the situation at play. Ponyboy ponders, “Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset." (Hinton, 40-41)
This novel by S.E Hinton, The Outsiders shows a crucial point that everybody is special in some way and should be known as who they are individuality not as a group. The Outsiders is a book that describes 2 gangs , the luxurious Socs, and the hoodlum Greasers. While they have conflicts with each other, the protaganist, Ponyboy, finds his identity outside of the gang. The important message of the story is that everyone has a unique personality that are developed by being in a group of people away from home, this identity can shape anyone’s way of life and the path they may take in the future. First of all, Socs and greasers have a trademark that showed who was part of their gang, Socs are know for Mustangs, Madras, and leather jackets;
For example, Benjamin Franklin had odd and unique habits that others did not, like sitting in a cold room without clothes. Some might think of him as an outsider but it didn’t isolate him or make him different from the others. Franklin also wore different clothes than others but it didn’t make him an outcast as it was just his way of expressing his life and feelings. Similarly to Benjamin Franklin, Encountering the Other doesn’t necessarily make the others outsiders because being an “other” doesn’t mean you're an outsider because being an outsider means being different from society, while another just differs from another ethnic or cultural group.
The Outsiders, an American bestseller from the 1960s, was about the conflict between two rival gangs of teenagers. However, from one of the main characters, Johnny, we could see that he got a deep affection from violence. The violence changed Johnny’s personality, his life and led to the ultimate death of Bob the Soc. The violence in The Outsiders impacted Johnny because he suffered a lot of violence from his family.
Life is full of choices, choices here and choice there. some are small like what you’ll have for breakfast and others are big like whether you’ll finish high school. But are they really your choices? Are people really in charge of their life like they claim to be ? A statistic shows that 40% of children in America are raised without a father and 50% of children have experienced divorce by the age of 18.
It’s Not Universal Humans are social beings and, typically, we prefer to surround ourselves with similar types of people. Often times, this means excluding others and even outcasting them from society. Nearly everybody has experienced being an outsider. whether it was not knowing anyone at a new school to not having the “must have” item that everyone else seemingly had. The experience of being an outsider is not universal because the feelings associated with being outcast are circumstantial, people react differently, and people have varying degrees of introversion.
An outsider is what these kids are called. An outsider is someone who is judged and treated differently because of their social class, race, or abnormality. First reason kids and adults are outsiders is because of their social class. My friend Maria got left out of a lot of groups and activities because her demure mom worked at a fast food restaurant so she didn’t have expensive shoes and clothes like the others. This just made me want to be friends with her because she was grateful for everything she got unlike the
Being an outsider is a common feeling among people of all ages. Anything can make someone feel like an outsider, whether it is their age, gender, sexuality, or race. In Premila and Santha's case from
We've all been through a path in which we've doubted God. We've all learned what it's like to be the outsider. But there is one day every week in which we are able to go and learn more about our Lord. No one is perfect. He is perfect.
An outsider is a person who does not belong in a certain party or a group. An outsider is left out from parties, groups, and even sometimes they are not allowed near a place or person. Outsiders are not cool and people do not like them or are not drawn to them. Synonyms such as the odd one out, stranger, and refugee say it all. All of these words are example of what outsiders feel like or what outsiders are.
We all need to belong somewhere. Everyone needs people to be there for them. We need to adore our lives with others, rather it is our family, friends, coworkers, or just society alone. There are a lot of traits that makes everyone unique in their own way with some of these traits people can make you seem like you’re an outsider but it’s false.