Cultural Heritage

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2.1 Introduction

Among the common heritage to be preserved as a heritage is found in the form of historic sites, buildings and monuments, nature, artifacts and local culture. This heritage should be preserved because it reflects the cultural life of a nation and thus represent civilization in the area. In this chapter, the researcher understand the scope of this study, relevant information about the tourism can be presented with a statement such as definition of tourists, tourism, type of tourism, tourism perspective and heritage tourism. Furthermore, another aspect is about the tourist, type of tourists, tourism planning, tourism planning approach and component of tourism planning to attract tourist to the …show more content…

In the previous conceptualization of tourism, all travelers engaging in tourism are described as a visitor (Goeldner, Ritchie & McIntosh, 2000). As persons who travel to a country other than the one in which they generally reside for a period not exceeding 12 months, whose main purpose is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the placed visited. In addition, Mckercher and Cros (2002) identified five (5) types of cultural tourist:
• The purposeful cultural tourist – cultural tourism is the primary motive for visiting a destination, and the individual has a deep cultural experience.
• The sightseeing, cultural tourist – cultural tourism is the primary motive for visiting a destination, but the experience is shallower.
• The serendipitous cultural tourist – a tourist who does not travel for cultural tourism reasons, but who, after participating, end up having a deep cultural tourism experience.
• The casual cultural tourist – cultural tourism is the weak motive for visiting a destination, and the result experience is shallow.
• The incidental cultural tourist – this tourist does not travel for cultural reason, but nonetheless participates in some activities and has shallow experiences.

From all five types of tourist, are basically influenced by the destination to …show more content…

Water supply, electricity, public telephone, telegraphs or telefax should be provided to facilitate the tourists. Drainage and sewage should also be included in all accommodation centers to provide a more comfortable and conducive.

vi. Institutional elements
Institutional elements needed to develop and manage tourism. The institution is more to the information center, seminar or training, marketing strategies and promotional programs for the public and private sector investment and economic control program.

iv. Component information / Promotion
This component is also important in the tourism industry to promote the activities and experiences available to tourists during their stay in the destination management should provide information that is offered before and during the tourist traveling destination. Information that can be promoted as such activities and experiences offered, attraction can encourage tourists to travel to the destination. In addition, promote a background of a tourist destination as well as the uniqueness of the language and culture of a place itself as a historic area. This allows travelers to communicate with the locals if soft spoken. For example

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