The Dehumanization Of Women In George Jackson's Soledad Brother

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The book “Soledad Brother” is built up of the prison letters of George Jackson, an african American leader who was plead guilty even after there was proof of his innocence. Some of his letters shows similarities between the way that society worked back then and in the present time now. This book was an eye opener as it connected to real life experiences we see everyday and demonstrates a different outlook of things. George talks about the assumptions made in his life by police officers because of his race, he expresses himself towards one of his mother’s comment about “beauty” and he also talks about the dehumanization blacks go through. To begin with, George Jackson went to jail for robbing $70 from a gasoline station in Los Angeles. He plead …show more content…

Jackson's mom was defining a black woman's beauty with perception. He says to his mom "for her to remotely resemble anything beautiful is to bleach and straighten her hair", meaning that she did not consider black women beautiful unless they have a similar beauty as the Western standard. On a personal level I think it is true not only with black women but any other person of color. Women nowadays always want to outdo other women by trying to look better than them and don’t think about themselves and their true beauty. Women should be selfish in a positive way and try to better themselves only for a personal benefit and not care about what other people think about them or how their beauty is seen by others. Beauty does not define who we are, I disagree with his mom as well as George Jackson does because like he said, "the truly ugly thing is the pretending, faking it", It looks ugly to try and be someone you are not. People are constantly trying hard to be able to be that someone that it results in making a fool out of yourself. The only true beauty is the one everyone holds within themselves because it shows who you truly