Difference Between American English

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Rita Yuan
Pre-AP English Essay

The Differences Between American English and British English

English as a universal language plays an important role in people’s daily life whether it is civil intercourse or official communication. The United States occupies a relatively dominant position in the global military, economic and technological fields which makes the influence and spread of American English gradually penetrate into every corner of the world.British English and American English have become two of the most important Indo-European languages family. British English has a history of 1,500 years, and it goes through Old English, Middle English and Modern English three stages of development. American English is developed on …show more content…

One word which has many different meanings can be divided into three kinds of situations: (1) Some words appear in both American English and British English, however, different concepts can be called “complete differentiation”. For example, “public school” in the United States actually refers to “private school”, while in the United States it refers to the “state school” (British English is Council school) (2) Some of the words’ spellings and meanings are the same of American English and British English, but they have their own unique meanings between two countries. This is called “two-way local differentiation”. And this is also the most common differences between the two different kinds of English. For instance, “ship” is commonly used in English, it means “ship”, “loading”, “dire sailors” and other concepts which should be known to the British people and Americans. In addition, the British people use it to symbolize “sea transportation”, which the Americans use “ship” to refer to any form of transport, whether it is convey by marine, railway, or motor, etc. …show more content…

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In British English the above would be considered incorrect. However, both forms are generally accepted in standard American English. (https://www.thoughtco.com/differences-between-american-and-british-english-1212216)

Compared with a small amount of spelling differences between British English and American English, the pronunciation difference is more regular.
1. Some words that begin with “wh”, they pronounce them as /w/ in British English, while in American English they pronounce them as /hw/.
2.The “R"tone only sound before the vowel pronunciationin British English, while in the United States it causes sound in any situation. If it is preceded by a vowel, its pronunciation is the same as that of the British English; if it is after a vowel, it tends to be a naturally excessive volume of tongue.
3. the British pronounce long vowel like “-u” and “-ue"as [ju:], while the Americans pronounce them as [u:].
4. Where the British read the letter “A” as [a:], the Americans generally read

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