Saint Rose Myths

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Light and Truth
The Dominican Order is known for being a family that spends much of the time in preaching the Gospel. Also, Dominicans are well-known for having a strong faith and their initiative of help. As there are believers nowadays, in the past there were also believers who devoted their entire life to God guided by their faith. Some of them became saints for having an exemplary Christian life. These saints greatly influence the lives of the people and this causes them to change their way of seeing things. In our country, one of the most influential saints over time is Rose of Lima. She was a woman who dedicates her time to the poor in Peru. She was very devoted to Jesus and her behavior was like an angel. Actually, she is a symbol of …show more content…

Catholic devotees of Saint Rose of Lima attributed many miracles. One of the best known miracles was the healing of patients with the help of a picture of Jesus, whom she called "Child doctor". Also, another miracle of her was when she prayed along with dozens of faithful at the chapel of San Geronimo in Callao, Lima for the protection of Lima when the city was threatened by the pirate Joris Spilbergen. Then, Saint Rose had a rooster that looked ill and did not sing. When Rose knew that her mother wanted to cook the rooster she said that if he did not sing, her mother would kill him. Suddenly the rooster jerked. These miracles and others that made Rose of Lima converted many people and this helped to strengthen the faith of them. Nowadays, our religion is very strong because Rose is an important saint who is patron in many countries and with her help we can choose the right way to get to heaven. As she stated that: “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven” (Rose of …show more content…

That seed of kindness from a humble human being has immense fruits around the world. On all sides, this first American saint carries light that is the help of God. And truth, that all Dominicans must preach. Then, Santa Rosa keeps our school's motto that is: “Preach the truth and carry the light of Christ”. She got in the hands of God and his faith led her to manifest a love of neighbor impressive. Therefore, Catholics are called to follow the example of Santa Rosa of Lima, whose life represent the courage of faith, humility, prayer and the intimacy of Jesus in the Eucharist. All those who are going through a difficult time are inviting to know a little more of the life of this saint and have faith on her. And also everyone is inviting to be entrusted to Saint Rosa because she always listens and understands