
The Elements Of Power In Homer's The Odyssey And Forest Gump

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Forrest’s momma always told him, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you 're gonna get.” A person should not be judged as stupid because of his IQ, but a person who does something stupid can be classified that way. In The Odyssey and Forest Gump, the protagonist had a purpose that led every decision they made; this shows that both were epic.
Forrest, however not very popular himself, happened to be born into a very infamous family. He was born into the family of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the man known for starting the Klu Klux Klan, also known as the KKK. As well as being born into nobility, he influenced many well known people. For example, because of his back being crooked, he danced kind of awkwardly. But when the man we know today as Elvis was staying at his house, he danced for him, and Elvis soon starting using this ‘wobble’. Eventually, the dance was seen on T.V.. Forrest, even though his back was crooked, turned out to be a great runner. He ran for speed, as well as distance. This was his attribute of power.
Epics have many elements. All epics start with an invocation to a muse and a statement to a theme. In Homer’s The Odyssey, the story starts with “Sing in me muse, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy.” Forrest Gump also displays a theme. Throughout the story Forrest gump gains possession of advice from his mother. His mother plays the important role of Forrest’s muse. His mother
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